
Words of a Blackberry Newbie

I must say... I used to think the blackberry was all hype. But this thing is seriously impressive! I used to wait 2 minutes for a text to arrive, well 5 minutes if it were arriving in parts. Then of course I had to sort through the 1/2, 2/2(1/2)..etc. and put the 20,000 pieces together...15 minutes later I'm frustrated as shit and have no clue what the hell this person is trying to say.

The Berry is literally instant! A bit overwhelming at first.. I don't suggest you tell ALL your peoples your pin at the same time...newbie mistake #5...

My overall evaluation of the berry..10/10. And i still got alooota roaming through my phone to do.

A special thanks to all the aholes that were on my ass for the last two months to get a BB as well as the "loyalty" staff at Telus who did nothing for me and made my switch over eeeeeeassy peasy.

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