
Good on paper = booooring.

Ok so he looked pretty good...well dressed, smelled good, had a job, well educated, had all that going on. No awkward silences or anything like that either. Wow...so far so good!
So then you get past the whole what do you do, I do stage... you get more comfortable and you start trying to joke around with him.

And this guy just looks at you...and smiles.

So you think maybe he just didn't hear you over the noise. Whatever it's cool. So you decide to try again. Aaaaand nothing. And that's when you realize...


I believe funny is not a bonus...it is a core requirement. Who cares how good he looks or how much money he has if he can't even make you laugh?! If you're feeling down do you want this idiot coming up to you trying to make you feel better by reading you an article??

I don't...! DROP IT.

1 comment:

  1. Bwahaha, damn you got to blog about it before i did. If he's not funny, then his ass needs to walk out that door while it hits him on his way out. Serious guys with no sense of humor are a joke themself to me. BORING! NEXT.....
