
Michael Oher (pronounced Orr) aka Big Mike

While everyone was lining up to watch "New Moon," the bf and i decided to check out "The Blind Side" in theatres on Sat, and i must say that i was very impressed with the movie. I would suggest people to watch it if they haven't yet. Considering this movie is based on a true story, it makes it 10x better.

The story is based on the football player Michael Oher. He came from the projects and was the son to a mother who was addicted to crack cocaine, and to a father who got murdered and who he hadn't seen since he was a baby. It's a pretty sad story and his life was def no where close to perfect.

To make a long story short... The Tuohy's took him in when he had no where to go. It started by a good gesture and turned into them giving him a home to live in with a new family. They welcomed him with open arms and changed his life drastically.

I've pretty much pointed to what the story is about, don't wanna get into details... but... i suggest you go watch it.

After all... there is hope for the good out there =)


  1. just watch the movie and it takes alot for me to watch a movie now days without getting board but this movie was so good I did not move from my seat until it was over, Thats how good it was!

  2. I agree! I found the movie very interesting myself. I've been pushing my mom to make the time to watch it, hopefully she'll get around it soon =)

  3. i love u michael orr u are so awesome and ur a great ravens player i have great hopes 4 u 2 bring the ravens 2 the super bowl i love u..... (amber brown)

  4. it is nice to see good things can happen in this world

    and if we are all nicer to each other - more good
    will come, naturally.

  5. just watched the the film on sky TV in UK just a brilliant film it goes to shown things can work out if we have hope and caring people around us

  6. I WATCHED THE MOVIE ..... ohh what i say i dnt have words to express my inner feeling for Mrs stowee AND HER FAMILY ... God bless her and her family AMEEN... and ALWAYS TURN AROUND .....


  7. Blind Side -is a great movie ever-
    Me and my family cries when we are watching this movie-
    You're so interesting Person Big mike..
    I Love you..
    GodBless You Big Mike and also your Nice family-
    Take care.

