
Do what you do.

I do what I do because I have to do it.
I do what’s right, I do what’s expected, I do what works.
I do it to save face, I do it to step it up, I do it for him, I do it for her.
I do it without thinking about what I do...

We often lose sense of ourselves, getting caught up in our lists of to-do’s.
We do what we think “needs” to be done, however in the process we abandon ourselves.

We believe we’ll be happy when we cross off all our to-do’s but the list merely expands the closer we get to the end.

Don't get caught up in the meaningless errands and must-haves. Moments of true happiness are real needs...most often concealed in effortless simplicity.

Take the time to do you in the midst of the other to-do’s.

Rid your soul of hatred, free your mind of worries, live simple, offer plenty, expect little.

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