
Happy Thanksgiving to my American folks. My fam is up in NY celebrating it without me :(



Before my daughter left for NY I was so excited to have time for ME. She only left this morning, and I am dying of boredom! Can't even think about what it would be like if she wasn't a part of my life, know it would be sooo lame.

1 more week and she's back in my life :)


Walk the street.

Face red of wind, hands dry of cold air.

Once longing for the warmth of home,
now the frost is your comfort.

The longer your stride, the safer you feel,
Further from fear and worry.

Here you can breath, long and deep,
thoughts inexistant, peaceful nothingness their replacement.

No goal, no destination,
no expectations, no disappointment.

Pace becomes dull as you approach the corner,
the corner leading back to reality.

The reality leading back to life,
Life leading back to this moment.

This moment is not a choice...
so we walk the street.

I'll take an "uncomfortable" please!

So I'm sitting on the train beside this girl... Her boyfriend is standing in front of her. I have no idea what they were talking about cause I was bumping to some Avant "making good love" ;), lol. Anyhow, so I look from the corner of my eye, and homegirl is pushing her face in her man's private. Ummm... Ok then. After, he starts caressing her face, then puts his finger in her mouth while she sucks on it. Then she pushes her face back on his "shit," he pulls his shirt up and she kisses his stomach. I'm sitting there thinking WTF is wrong with people.

I guess their act suited my music, but I'm not sure if I'll be bumping to any "making good love" anymore, lol.
I just want this day to end... That shit was disturbing.
I'll take an uncomfortable please...

Michael Oher (pronounced Orr) aka Big Mike

While everyone was lining up to watch "New Moon," the bf and i decided to check out "The Blind Side" in theatres on Sat, and i must say that i was very impressed with the movie. I would suggest people to watch it if they haven't yet. Considering this movie is based on a true story, it makes it 10x better.

The story is based on the football player Michael Oher. He came from the projects and was the son to a mother who was addicted to crack cocaine, and to a father who got murdered and who he hadn't seen since he was a baby. It's a pretty sad story and his life was def no where close to perfect.

To make a long story short... The Tuohy's took him in when he had no where to go. It started by a good gesture and turned into them giving him a home to live in with a new family. They welcomed him with open arms and changed his life drastically.

I've pretty much pointed to what the story is about, don't wanna get into details... but... i suggest you go watch it.

After all... there is hope for the good out there =)


Isn't She Lovely?

Ever wondered...

(Below is my daughter last year during Christmas season skating at Nathan Phillips Square)

... I guess this only applies to the people who've always spent a cold winter for christmas. Have you ever wondered what christmas would be like in warm weather? I mean i can't. I've been in Toronto ever since i was a kid and i can't remember what it was like to spend christmas in warm weather. I was thinking about it today and i thought it was so weird. It def wouldn't be the same for me. I hate winter but it's def worth it during christmas season =)


Lord Help me...

Monday: Pizza Pizza
Tuesday: McDonalds
Wednesday: Pizza Hut
Thursday: McDonalds

But it's all just sooooo good!



My life is the most cluttered it's ever been.
My head feels claustrophobic.
Why don't things go as I want?
Why does everything have to be so hard & complicated?
I'm exhausted!
So many thinkable things & not enough time to think.
Making & keeping people happy is like doing over time at work.
When will it end?
When did it start?
Things have definitely been the most challenging at this
very moment in my life.
How much do I need to change in order to adjust to
everyone else's preference?
Do I put myself first?
I can't put myself first.
I guess within time, change will occur.
I guess within time, the cycle will be broken.
I guess within time, I will be smooth sailing.
All I have to do is wait on this time to arrive.
I have already accepted this challenge!


Good on paper = booooring.

Ok so he looked pretty good...well dressed, smelled good, had a job, well educated, had all that going on. No awkward silences or anything like that either. Wow...so far so good!
So then you get past the whole what do you do, I do stage... you get more comfortable and you start trying to joke around with him.

And this guy just looks at you...and smiles.

So you think maybe he just didn't hear you over the noise. Whatever it's cool. So you decide to try again. Aaaaand nothing. And that's when you realize...


I believe funny is not a bonus...it is a core requirement. Who cares how good he looks or how much money he has if he can't even make you laugh?! If you're feeling down do you want this idiot coming up to you trying to make you feel better by reading you an article??

I don't...! DROP IT.

Joy to the world...

... well joy to my world atleast! Christmas is near, i'm excited as always. There's just something so joyous about this specific holiday. I love it! I love to buy presents for my loved ones, and nothing makes me happier than seeing them happy when they open it. Hanging with the fam after midnight mass and opening gifts is the best feeling ever. Spending time with your loved ones on this specific occasion is just a different feeling overall. Def anticipating =) Won't be in NY this year :( but will be with all the people i heart with my heart!!!



... the questions are complicated and the answers are simple!

I've sat in my room contemplating on things plenty. But usually it's the questions i ask... why this and why that?! Not realizing how simple the answers are to those complications in my life. Things don't always go the way i wish they did............................................but... i'm just gonna take it one day at a time as i always have. Sit back and enjoy the essence of life, appreciate everything i have, from the little to the big things. Not concentrating on the negatives but just looking forward to the positives. Life is too short! Let me take a deep breath and inhale all that good stuff God has blessed me with.

"Watch your thoughts, they become words.
Watch your words, they become actions.
Watch your actions, they become habits.
Watch your habits, they become character.
Watch your character, they become destiny."

Dear Bloggy,

When we first got you we were so excited. We had so many ideas and thoughts to put on you. But then we realized how busy we are incl school, work and visiting jackastor's whenever we get a chance.
Ummm... don't worry we haven't neglected you. We will try to post everyday if possible. Mon promised she would :)
Hope you're not too mad.




I think we're alone now

Heard this song on the radio today...and had to listen to it as soon as I got home. One of those 80's pop classics that puts a smile on your face eeeverytime.

Tiffany- I think we're alone now

Couldn't upload the video for some reason! :(

If you remember this song, you'll understand! If you don't, you will not. lol


School is death.

Why is it necessary to for ME to pay YOU thousands of dollars so that I can spend 5 years of my life reading, writing, memorising, bullshiting and of course working to pay off those thousands of dollars, only so that I can make enough money in the future for you to rake in a decent amount of taxes....?

Maybe unemployment cheques are the way to go.



My dreams set me free to go wherever the wind calls me... TO BE THE MOST THAT I CAN BE.

Winter is COMING... :(

The bushes in my backyard are naked again... leaves dropping slowly. I'm def anticipating for next summer already, even though winter hasn't hit yet.


Words of a Blackberry Newbie

I must say... I used to think the blackberry was all hype. But this thing is seriously impressive! I used to wait 2 minutes for a text to arrive, well 5 minutes if it were arriving in parts. Then of course I had to sort through the 1/2, 2/2(1/2)..etc. and put the 20,000 pieces together...15 minutes later I'm frustrated as shit and have no clue what the hell this person is trying to say.

The Berry is literally instant! A bit overwhelming at first.. I don't suggest you tell ALL your peoples your pin at the same time...newbie mistake #5...

My overall evaluation of the berry..10/10. And i still got alooota roaming through my phone to do.

A special thanks to all the aholes that were on my ass for the last two months to get a BB as well as the "loyalty" staff at Telus who did nothing for me and made my switch over eeeeeeassy peasy.

Nu Cool Tattoo

If you wanna get tatted up, hit up Nu Cool. The work is dope, the prices are mad reasonable, and the environment is friendly. I remember getting my first tatt some years ago, my brother sent me to the shop. Got tattoo #1, then hit up for tattoo #2... #3... and now i'm sitting at 7. I told him i wasn't coming back, but i said that the last 6 times as well. I'll prob be back soon if an idea pops up in my head.

They have 3 tatt artists and one of them also does piercings. I only put up a few pics of Pawel's (my tatt artist) work because i encourage you to check out their website yourself. If you wanna get tatted up, then hit up NuCoolTattoos @ 118 Peter St. Ph# (416)591-4046 OR 1275 Bloor St West. Ph#(647)430-5891. The website is http://www.nucooltattoo.com/. Its The Only Intelligent Choice...

If you decide to get your ink done by Pawel, just tell him Cass sent ya ;)

Say whatever you want...

... but we were all up on our feet when we saw Carter pull this shit. No matter how much ppl hate carter, no matter how much of a whack job he is for sitting out a million games when he played for the Raps... we could all always count on a good 'ol dunk by him.

Priceless... "Charlie bit me"

LOL... on the real, if this doesn't make you even crack a smile, then you got problems! This was the cutest shit ever... I prob watched it 6 times already, and i laugh the same each time.


Do what you do.

I do what I do because I have to do it.
I do what’s right, I do what’s expected, I do what works.
I do it to save face, I do it to step it up, I do it for him, I do it for her.
I do it without thinking about what I do...

We often lose sense of ourselves, getting caught up in our lists of to-do’s.
We do what we think “needs” to be done, however in the process we abandon ourselves.

We believe we’ll be happy when we cross off all our to-do’s but the list merely expands the closer we get to the end.

Don't get caught up in the meaningless errands and must-haves. Moments of true happiness are real needs...most often concealed in effortless simplicity.

Take the time to do you in the midst of the other to-do’s.

Rid your soul of hatred, free your mind of worries, live simple, offer plenty, expect little.

H1N1...Are you lining up??

I've been on the "pizza" diet for a few days now... *sigh!!!

Two words... Whip Cream.

So... i was cleaning my room and just listening to some music, when all of a sudden i got an urge. You would think it might be an urge for candy, cause well, it's the day after hallowe'en... but NOPE!!! I walked my ass over to the fridge, got the bottle of whip cream, shook it up and did what i had to does. Sorta looked like that lil girl below except my mommy didn't help me. No i'm not tryna put on pounds, but that shit taste hella GOOD!

Sade- Your Love is King!

Dear: N E E K S

Love: Cass :)


Ummmm....I'll take a slut please!

It seems as if the costume stores never run out of "slut"...

Slut #1 says: "Oh my god, you totally look like one!"
Slut #2 says: " I know right!?"

Makes you wonder if it's not just the costume...