
Always that 1 IGNORANT f#*k!

What did I do for Caribana this year? Fri night chilled with homegirl Mon down by the beaches... and Sat I chilled with the bf watching movies and eating pizza/wings.

What did majority of T.O do? They hit up the parade and went to clubs and fetes. Prob about 80% of people I know went to the parade, and guess what? Someone got shot during the whole thing. Am I surprised? Nope! I wouldn't say it happens every year, but it does happen pretty often. Why do you even have a gun on you? Really? You don't want people to stereo type colored folks but you're going to shoot up people? Ridic!!! Some one's stat as followed on fb "‎1 dead, 2 wounded in Caribana shooting. Always gotta be one coon-ass negroe ruining it for everybody." I can't agree more. *SMH

If you wanna know more, you can read the article: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/story/2011/07/30/tor-shooting-caribbean-festival642.html

"Live everyday like it's your last!" Literally.


Fresh Prince x Yo Momma

Fresh Prince x Pick Up Lines

Boredom post

My weekend as follows...

1. Work
2. Work out
3. Clean the house
4. Hit up concert w/ the bf
5. Grab food
6. Sleep


1. Work
2. Hit up the arts market to hangggg with NeeksMoney
3. Jazz Fest
4. Dinner
5. Sleep


1. Work
2. Groceries
3. Movies
4. Dinner


... don't stalk me!

P.s. Of course I have to shower in between and do all that good ish lol.



Don't know the random dude in that pic, but he stood perfect for my post. I was on my way to work today during RUSH HOUR... I get on the rammed train, the low a.c, and the nasty ass b.o smell only to find some bitch leaning her whole body against the pole I'm standing beside. SERIOUSLY? Are you selfish or you just have no sense of courtesy?!?! Like I mentioned, the train was packed, I could literally feel some dude breathing down on my neck cause that's how close everyone had to squeeze in. I needed a pole to hold on to because the train was jerking every time it came to a stop. The first couple stops I didn't say shit to her ass, then I got annoyed when I realized how big of a douche she was knowing people need somewhere to hold and here she is tryna pose up like it's a damn modelling shoot. So knowing me, I said some thing.

Me: Hey do you mind moving, people are tryna hold on to a portion of that pole.

Pole leaning douche: Well, if someone wanted some space they coulda asked. *rolls eyes

When she said this I got agitated a little more, I thought to myself "this girl can't possibly be serious" Meanwhile some dude mumbled "that's rude" towards this girl...

Me: I don't think it's necessary for people to have to ask someone to get their whole body off a train pole, it's just common sense and common courtesy to do so. Kinda like when you go to some one's house and take your shoes off whether they ask you to or not... *mean muggin like always

Then this girl decides to move, given a diff age (possibly 16-18) and a diff location, I'm sure I would have gone ghetto on her just a little. I tried to play it as mature as possible, but sometimes people give you every reason in the world to wanna shake the shit outta them.


Nostalgia- The 90's

... You catch my drift! ;)

Can you move like this? Watchaaaaa....


I absolutely hate my Wed nights to Fri afternoons during the week. Not only do I finish my shift late on Wed night, but I start at 5am on Thurs morn... doing a double shift that day then back at work at 5am on Friday morns. Ewwwww! I hate leaving my house before the sun is up, lol it sucks major asshole. Wish me luck... my shifts feel like 10 hrs long due to how slowly they pass by :(


I can be a real feminist bitch at times... Not the type who would burn my bra in a bonfire (lol), just the type who loves to say what's on my mind at any point. Because I speak up about my rights, people assume I'm some super feminist bitch. And I ain't mad at that!!! ;)

"When I think of you, I think of books"

Life&Wisdom x SummerCollection

Like I mentioned in some previous posts... Life & Wisdom had launched at the Arts Market this past Sat and the come out was pretty good. So shout outs to those who supported. My bf's pretty passionate about his clothing line and I hope everyone continues to support and rock that L&W. Peep out this video they just released... and check out www.lifeandwisdom.ca for updates.


The Industry!!!!!!!!!!

I usually watch a lot of Spoken Word, but weirdly enough this is my first time coming across DMX's clip. I liked it though cause he speaks out well on it.

Mind Boggled.

Question: Why do females get rid of their REAL eyebrows only to draw FAKE ones on? I've always been confused by this.


So I'm not very good when it comes to shit with computers... LOL. Obviously! Therefore, I did that with paint if you didn't notice, which I'm sure even a child could. Don't judge me!

I had a question though... I'm looking for the 2 ladies in those pics. HAVE YOU SEEN THEM? If you have, let them know that bloggy has been lonely with only one blogger.

Priorities vs. Options

It's pretty self explanatory right?!?! Actually, no it's not. Somehow we always fall for people's b.s cause we get blinded by caring. I've noticed a lot of this within the past how ever many years.Whether is has to do with me or others. And to shadow that quote which I absolutely agree with... "don't make someone your priority, if you're only their option."

These are the same people who will tell you they don't have time to do this and that with you, but you notice they have time to do other shit. Or the type of folks who will make any excuse in the world to not do what they need to as being your friend, family or significant other. This is how I see it... no matter what, people will make time for you if they want. Whether I'm working 7 days a week or not, if I wanna make time for someone, I will. If I wanna give you my time of the day, I won't hover you with excuses. You just have to come to a conclusion to who actually cares and who doesn't. Some people will act as if you're super important to them yet they only treat you as an option. F that. You don't have time for that b.s and nor do you have any space in your life to put up with it. Don't allow it. You're worth way more to just be an "option."


Chappelle showwwww

If you've never even seen an episode of the Chappelle Show then you is missing out kid. I'm gonna post a few clips that are really popular for the chappelle show fans.

Take me away...

This is where I would like to go on my honeymoon. First 2 pics are of Tahiti and last 2 are of Fiji.

Friend Collector.

I got a bbm request earlier of someone I've met once, lol. I never got why people did that... why are you adding me and I don't even know you. And what in the world makes you think I'm gonna accept your request. There are a few things I noticed about people and their bbms, they think it's some popularity game. If you don't know someone well at all, and they're on your bbm... you're def just a friend collector. This is just some sort of popularity power trip for you. It's for you to say "I have 150 friends on my bbm list" which btw I think is pathetic especially when I know your ass don't know half of these folks.

I guess my bbm is too private for that shit. I don't accept people I don't know on fb, therefore there's no way in hell you're going on my bbm. It's strictly for people I know, people who's first and last name, incl their bdays. Lol. If I don't know that info on you, don't waste your time adding me.

Cake Boss!!!

Was talking to someone I knew yesterday and he was telling me about his last date he went on. He said he thought the girl was cool and all but he was quite distracted by her make-up. He decided not to see her again cause of that. I had to agree on the distraction cause at times when I talk to certain females... I'm not even hearing them out but wondering "dannng what does she look like under alll that?"

Ladies, some of you don't realize how much cake you're putting on, but I can tell you right now that not ONE person is attracted to that shit. If I can see the color difference from your neck to your face... I know you're wearing a crazy amount. So just chill on that. What happened to au naturel looks?! Do women think those aren't attractive anymore? You don't wanna sleep over a dude's place and then wake up to your face on their pillow.

I know some of you females have said that you gots to wear make-up cause you have skin problems and you're tryna cover it up. But I also hope that you're using a product to heal that skin cause just covering your face temp won't fix it. That make-up is gonna fuckss with your skin even more. So be careful with how much crap you're applying for a temp solution.

I'm not downing the women who wear make-up... just apply that shit with some moderation. Show some naturel while you're at it! Don't put on a large capacity of it to the point where everyone can notice that shit. I know girls who wear make-up but it looks like they don't, cause they wear it accordingly.

Compliments at it's best!

Earlier I had a bbm convo with an old homie... who said to me "you should appreciate yourself more, I don't think you give yourself enough credit. You're more genuine than you think. You also need to start being a little selfish"=)And I was very appreciative from hearing this. I mean I know the people who love and care for me, feel this way as well, but it's totally different when someone says it to you in a random convo.

So I sat back and started to think over it... and I've come to a conclusion.............................. I love me and I'm all kinds of amazingggggggg. LOL. I thought about all the shit I've done for people, and about how much I've forgiven. And how selfless I always am, how much I put others before me, the endless things I do for people I love...... and my friend was right, I need to appreciate me more. I don't normally sit and brag about myself and all the goodness I carry, lol.... so I'm sharing with you what my friend shared with me today. I'm fuckin awesome! ;)

Now take the time and think about how awesome you are... and broadcast that shit for once.
"50/50 relationships don't exist; One always gives more than the other"

.... and ain't that the truth!



Have you guys been keeping up with the Casey Anthony case?! This girl is the devil I swear. If you have been keeping up with it, then you know that she was found NOT GUILTY for First- Degree Murder, Aggravated Child Abuse, and Aggravated Man Slaughter. Instead, she was found GUILTY on 4 counts of Providing False Info.

Are you shitting me? This lady killed her toddler and was found not guilty. There was word that her dad had sexually abused her as a child and that her brother tried a pass on her too... and there were also assumptions made about how there may be some incest involved concerning the daughter Caylee. They had paternity tests done and found out that the dad, brother nor Casey's fiance were Caylee's dad. No matter what Casey went through as a kid, there is never a reason to commit such a horrific crime. This b!tch used chloroform on her daughter, duct taped her mouth and nose and trashed her in the garbage. How in the world can you do that to your blood?!?! And after all the evidence they had, they let her off. Like i said... that's some devil shit!!
I bet if this was a colored folk, things would have been different, lol. You know if a colored person was on trial for this shit they would have been crazy harsh... word to OJ.

If you wanna know more ... you can type Casey Anthony in the google search engine, or go here:

Justice definitely wasn't served for this innocent child, and it makes me mad as hell.


Let's talk about this stupidity that has spread world wide. I really don't think there's anything wrong with my sense of humor... although I do think "planking" is friggen dumb as ever. Don't people have anything better to do? This is boredom at it's worst.

This is how they define "planking" on Wikipedia for the folks who haven't caught on yet. And if you don't know what planking is, you're better of not knowing. Seriously! Lol

The lying down game (also known as planking, or face downs) is an activity, popular in various parts of the world, consisting of lying face down in an unusual or incongruous location. The hands must touch the sides of the body, and having a photograph of the participant taken and posted on the Internet is an integral part of the game. Players compete to find the most unusual and original location in which to play. The location should also be as public as possible, and as many people as possible should be involved.


Busy----------- Bee-----------

It's been about a week since I last blogged. Will post when I have more time. As for now... enjoy the weather we got going on right now.

And a reminder again... if you have any free time on July 9th, please come show Life & Wisdom some support for their launch at the Arts Market grand opening. Visit: www.lifeandwisdom.ca

Thank Youssss!