

Don't know the random dude in that pic, but he stood perfect for my post. I was on my way to work today during RUSH HOUR... I get on the rammed train, the low a.c, and the nasty ass b.o smell only to find some bitch leaning her whole body against the pole I'm standing beside. SERIOUSLY? Are you selfish or you just have no sense of courtesy?!?! Like I mentioned, the train was packed, I could literally feel some dude breathing down on my neck cause that's how close everyone had to squeeze in. I needed a pole to hold on to because the train was jerking every time it came to a stop. The first couple stops I didn't say shit to her ass, then I got annoyed when I realized how big of a douche she was knowing people need somewhere to hold and here she is tryna pose up like it's a damn modelling shoot. So knowing me, I said some thing.

Me: Hey do you mind moving, people are tryna hold on to a portion of that pole.

Pole leaning douche: Well, if someone wanted some space they coulda asked. *rolls eyes

When she said this I got agitated a little more, I thought to myself "this girl can't possibly be serious" Meanwhile some dude mumbled "that's rude" towards this girl...

Me: I don't think it's necessary for people to have to ask someone to get their whole body off a train pole, it's just common sense and common courtesy to do so. Kinda like when you go to some one's house and take your shoes off whether they ask you to or not... *mean muggin like always

Then this girl decides to move, given a diff age (possibly 16-18) and a diff location, I'm sure I would have gone ghetto on her just a little. I tried to play it as mature as possible, but sometimes people give you every reason in the world to wanna shake the shit outta them.

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