
Usually... I am the Calm after the Storm; but if you push me hard enough... I can be the Storm.


So i went to work today and my boy Ruk came outta no where flossing his new berry, LOL. Ahhhhh... This is the same dude who said "I don't need no damn blackberry, I'm content with what i got right now." I just smirked when he showed me the phone and said "so yaoooo... tell me the deal on all the apps." Again, i smirked and said "who you got on your bbm so far" LOL. He replies "wanna be my first." So i started sending him off bbm contacts of mutual friends... his phone started to go OFFFF with ppl shocked that dude finally got on that Berry wagon. I laughed and watched him slack off doing work cause he was so hooked on responding back to ppl. I told him once he got it, it's over.. that shit is C.R.A.C.K.

Yo Momma!

Remember when you were a kid and you never listened to your momma... and you always thought everything she said was "whatever"... Damn do I think so diff now, lol. Moms know best right? Right! Anywho, so my mom emails me from work today and asks me what's wrong. I said "Nothing mom, why?" She says "I just know something isn't right, as corny as this may sound I am your mom and I do know when something isn't right"... while reading i thought to myself "damn... how does she freakin know, am I that obvious with my actions... nah nah it can't be my actions, I don't show emotions." So I emailed her back and said "I'm ok, just a lot has been going on but I'll pull through, I always do right." She replies back saying "you are so unlucky, I'm sorry you go through things you don't deserve. I hope you get everything you want in your life, you so deserve it. I hope this unluckiness you endure will go away one day" I sat there and took in those words and started to realize how unlucky i was with a lot of situations. It kinda made my day more bitter, but to know that my mom felt that i was hurting was amazing to me, she caught me falling at the right time, and I felt grateful that someone was there for me even when I didn't ask or show it.

At this very moment, I remembered my home girl Laila. We were mad tight when she still lived in the T, but she moved a few years ago when she got married. What a sad moment in my damn life, LOL. Anywhoooo... Laila and myself shared manyyyyy talks together, I def can't count them on both hands. But she knew enough about me to know what I was going through, the good the bad and the ugly. There was one thing she always said to me that I still to this day take with me, not word for word of course, lol, but something along the lines of... "this is all just temporary for you. Always remember that good will come your way eventually. God hasn't forgotten about you, how could he, you're such a good hearted person. Just wait and your time will come. And I can't wait till it does." *sighhhhh, LOL, as I mentioned in another post, good friends are hard to find.

Anyway, I'm taking all of this with me today. And honestly just waiting for my bad luck to run out. Def anticipating for the good I deserve, and I know it'll come, and I will wait for as long as I can =)

"If there is no struggle, there is no progress"



I've been sitting here tryna figure out what to blog about... I feel I got so much shit on my mind yet nothing to say. It's just one of those days where nothing makes sense and nothing really matters. Been home during the days quite a bit for the past few weeks due to having no classes for the summer... occupying myself with absolute bullshit to fulfil my days. Can't wait till i come back from my vacay and get some more hours rolling for work!!! On another note, i came across this which made my day a little better "Someday everything will all make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason."
“I love you, and because I love you, I would sooner have you hate me for telling you the truth than adore me for telling you lies.”

And ain't that the Truth!!!


"We enter love with our eyes closed and leave it with our eyes wide open."

No Hating Here!

What can i say about the picture above that isn't already self- explanatory?!?! The fact that there ARE other players out there better than Kobe. Now don't get it twisted... I am in no way discouraging dude's ball skills. Clearly he can school some cats on the court! But, i choose not to dick ride on his abilities and skills. I'm not a Lakers fan, for obvious reasons of course... but I'm not saying they're a shit team either. It seemed so important for me to log on and post about this shit, lol, for the fact that if i want another team to win I'm being called a Hater. Por Que? Just cause my basketball world doesn't revolve around Kobe's nuts doesn't mean I'm hating on dude or his team... it just means that i DO acknowledge other talented players within the NBA. I guess you can call me a hater when i say Nash is up for a ring this year, it's well deserved from his end. Or maybe i can end this post by saying F#CK THE LAKERS! Now you can call me a hater!!! :D


Keepin' it 100...

Meet the homegirl that's been around for a minute now. I don't usually do posts on 'friends' and such, but this feels deserving. Met her over a decade ago... and we still running it. I don't even know where to start, but this is by far one of the most successful friendships I've ever encountered within my life. You know when you have the type of friends you don't talk to everyday, cause you got shit going on in your own life... YET, when you do talk you feel as though nothing has been lost and you just pick up on your last convo? Or when you begin to tell your friend a story and then they say "you already told me about that"... it's like damn what haven't i told your ass!?!? Or when you have a million inside jokes to share, that's how you can tell how much time you've spent together (lol)? That's Us! Homegirl has had my back since day one and has been nothing but 100 with me, realness as real. True love is hard to find, BUT, true friends are even harder to find. Backstabbers, haters, two-faced, negatives, and so on forth don't exist in our small circle. We keep it moving. Jokes infinite, growth roomful, memories immeasurable... Here's to another 50 years; I got your back just the same =)


Cuba Si Si

We are sooo anticipating for our vacay. T - 10 days. I can finally start my count down. It's been 9 months since i left the country.


Life & Wisdom Dilla Tee X Bboy Group Ground Illusionz

Commercials that make you 'LOL'


moniSLACK !!!

The picture above does us NO justice, lol... but anywho... A special post on MonBon. WHAT THE FACK!?!?! Why haven't you been posting? As I recall, your last post was Dec 26, 2009. Two thousand and freakin' Nine Mon. You're telling me you haven't had time for 5 months now, LOL. Bullshiiiiit. I remember this blog belonging to us BOTH, you have abandoned bloggy. *sigh... no more love. Oh the good times we had chatting about what we would post the next day, unfortunately that hasn't happened in 5 months, lol. Yes I is calling you out... YOU AHOLE, get up on this ish quick. Your ass probably doesn't even remember your password, *SMH


"It's just one of them days..."

" ... when i wanna be all alone.
It's just one of them days,
when i gotta be all alone.
I sit and think about everything we do,
and i find myself in misery and that ain't cool.
Hey now i really wanna be with you the whole way through,
but the way you make me feel inside leaves me confused.
It's just one of those days..."


Stop that $hit...

I don't know who these Gotti lookin b!tches are... but I think that whole lip puckering thing is sooooo lame! I'm bringing this up because I now find how aware I am of this annoyance. I notice a lot of ppl on my fb who do this shit, of course mainly girls. If most of your damn pics are of your lips puckered, I have news flash for ya: GET A NEW POSE! You look retarded when every pic is the same just with diff outfits. And stop dressing up just to take so many pics of yourself in your bathroom or those web cam pics... ugh! I'm sure there's a show on t.v for you to occupy your time in. For heaven's sake, don't exceed more than 3 pics of your puckered lips... we get it, you're freakin lip gloss is poppin'!

FYI: I am in fact on my period right now, lol.

How often have you seen 'beef' at a FETE?

When it comes to music... I don't discriminate. I can pretty much listen to anything, I don't just listen to a certain genre. I just noticed that i haven't made any posts about Soca, not even a video. Shocker! lol. I def have love for Soca. When listening to it at clubs, fetes, shit... even in my bedroom, my ass is jumping. How many times have you been to a fete, or a club that plays mainly Soca and seen "beef?" I don't think I ever have... You wanna know why? Cause everybody is so damn happy!!!! Soca music= Happy music. Below are some of my favorites.... ;)

I wanted to add some classics but don't want this post to be too long, lol. So i will leave that for another day.

I can def live it up in sweet T&T ;)


~ Mommas

Picture on the left is my daughter and I on her First Holy Communion and the pic on the right is my mom, my daughter and myself on the same day.
Having to have one day out of the year to celebrate Mothers is not enough. I can't begin to think about the amount of things my mom has done for me. I def appreciate every little thing. I am so blessed that i have the opportunity to celebrate a day like this with my mom... i myself am a mother and it is def one hell of a job. It's full time where you're always working over time. There are no sick days or vacations. You gotta do the job all 365 days of the year. It is hard, but i wouldn't change it for the world. I am a proud mom to a girl who's amazingly beautiful, incredibly smart, outrageously funny and more loving than anyone i know. I am a proud daughter to the best mom anyone could have. The unconditional love she has given to my siblings, myself, and her grand kids is one of a kind. Shout out to my mom... thank you for everything, and keep doing what you are doing cause you have been doing an amazing job ever since!
To all the mom's out there... the new ones, the expecting ones, the ones who are playing both parts as mommy and daddy... keep your head up and continue doing what you are doing. Being a mom is hard, but it is also so rewarding. Just know that you are appreciated no matter what, and hope y'all had a great day where you got treated in all kinds of right =)



I turn 25 tmr, yikes! Don't really want to... anywho, i have absolutely no plans and don't really care to this year. Just gonna stay low key and hope the day itself goes well. I'm thankful for another year, and for everything God has bestowed upon me. Cheers to another year :)