
I'll make you a deal...

So this is the movie we were watching when Ms.Goose walked in. Minus the irritation by her and the dude sitting beside me munching on popcorn through out the whole movie... i give it a 2 thumbs up! It was def a good watch, and if you haven't seen it i don't know what you're waiting on.
P.S. Don't watch Vampire's Assistant!

A nostalgic feeling from my childhood... *sigh

So... i've been asking my bf to take me to this shit for god knows how long now. He's never watched the movie before :0 I know right?!!? There's something he's missing from his childhood. Lol. Anyhow, he hasn't taken me yet cause he's gonna get bored.
Therefore I'M GONNA LET YOU OFF THE HOOK BABY... cause i replaced you with MON!!! So Mon and i decided to go watch it, but the joke is... ummm... she doesn't know squat about it either. *smh. I don't know what you guys were doing at the age of 10, but my ass was watching The Sound of Music. Who doesn't fuckin know "doe a deer... a female deer."
Whatever, point of the post, i can't wait till i finally go watch the play. I feel sorry for this girl, cause i will be singing every god damn song they be singing :D

Saw you with the Goose last night...

K.... so i know winter is approaching right? It's gonna get fuckin cold and shit. Therefore a Canada Goose is a must have... BUT... is it really necessary to wear it yet?!?
Went to the movies last night, sitting in the theatre when home girl walks in with a red goose on.... Ummm. I actually get cold real fast, but last night was like what 10? I don't think that shit was needed. I was getting hot just looking at this girl. Shit like that irritates me. If you wanna swag out with your shit, COOL... but the least you can do is swag out weather appropriate.
People are so confused... i don't get it. Doesn't anyone look at the weather forecast anymore, why must you pull this spontaneous shit. Dude wearing shorts and slippers... def not cool. But whatever, you're wearing it, i just thought of lettin you know that it looks foolish!!!


Thin Line.

I believe we as a society need to reinforce that some pieces of clothing and styles should be reserved strictly for females.

I was about to get some food on campus today when I noticed a young "man" in sky blue tights. I lost my appetite. Was he a bicyclist you ask? No. He was not... A member of the wrestling club? I wish this was the case...however there was no excuse.

Now don't get me wrong.. I'm glad that men have taken to fitted styles rather than the oversized baggy look, however there is a very thin line between fitted and TIGHT. Tight is not sexy nor cute...no matter how much you've been working on your calves. If you aren't able to bend over in your jeans... or we can see things that would otherwise be left to our imagination (or even worse can't see) ... TOO tight and unacceptable.

Please help me save masculinity and support the movement against men in tights.


Just mind boggled why high school kids look so old nowAdays... These girls def look older than me. I need to get my make- up game on.

That'll be all!


The Swine Flu!

So i check my email today and notice my boy sent me this video about the swine flu and the vaccination. As going into seeing the video, it makes me more aware of the situation. It's so messed up!!! It's a good watch, only 11 mins of your time. Will i be getting on that vaccination?! Ummm... that video was quite self explanatory.

Dana Gilmore. "Wife... Woman... Friend"

This woman is the TRUTH! Take this raw ish in ladies...

Music to my ears...


I bring the va-jay-jay, you bring the condom.

So a friend of mine was telling me about a guy she was seeing and how he had asked her to pick up condoms for the night. My reaction...

“WHAAAAAAAAAT!?” That is the most outlandish shit I ever heard in my life!!!

Do you know how much prep work we already have to take on just for like...what...10 minutes!? We have to shower, shave, moisturize, make sure we’re smooth and smelling good... this shit takes time ok. Put it this way...our prep work alone takes WAY longer than your ass can last. And to add to my list of things to do, you want me to pick up condoms?? You must be out your god damn mind!

What you NEED to do is recognize that you are lucky to be getting any tonight and do YOUR job, pick up the condoms, PAY for the condoms and perform. That’s it.

And ladies, if your man can’t do one of the three simple duties listed above...maybe YOU need to re-evaluate your requirements...cuz THAT ain’t right.

UGGS... back in action!

I was never into them to begin with. I don't find them appealing to be honest. But i remember when they first came out, i seen 1 person with them... then 2... now it seems like the whole city has 'em. I mean, if that's your thing then that's your thing. But i never got what was so likeable about them. There are other boots out there that look soooo much better.
Now lets get to the females who wear them with all that salt on them. Seriously!?!?! That's a no-no!!! So we acknowledge that Uggs are quite costly, therefore you try to hold on to them as much as you can. But once you got salt on them... homie you need to get rid of those. I mean... you look good from head, making your way down to your toes... umm NO! I tell my girls that all the time if i see that shit. If you know me, you best believe i'm putting you on blast. Atleast clean those bad boys off. Maybe, this winter there will be a diff style of boots out that people will jump on. I'm crossing my fingers...

Sex twice a month? Not in my books!

So here's how a convo between a friend and i went:

Her: I finally had sex last night
Me: What the hell you mean "finally?"
Her: Well, we don't see each other as often as we used to
Me: Yeah... but i'm sure you still see each other once a week?!
Her: We do... but we're always tired cause we meet up after work or what not
Me: Ummm ... yeah but you should always make time to have sex with your significant other no?!
Her: Yeah, i guess things have been off. We've been together for 4 years now... so... yeah...
Me: Just cause you've been together long don't mean shit. I mean you don't even have any kids who sleep in your damn bed with you to interrupt. Don't you think there's something wrong here? I mean it's cool if it's a sometimish thing... but how long has this been happening for?
Her: I'd say about a year
Me: Dannng. And you're ok with it? C'mon now... I know you want it more than that
Her: Well, who doesn't!!
Me: I think it's time you drop his ass!!!

Not saying that relationships are only about sex. But i am saying that it is hella important to have it on a regular basis. I mean... is you being in a long term relationship really an excuse. Shouldn't you still be attracted to your significant other? Esp if you're seeing your man/woman about once a week... Isn't that more of a valid reason to want it? I'm not saying you gotta be sexing like they do on the discovery channel... but shit... being in a relationship, sex is def def one of the most important things.
You know when your significant other isn't always in the mood or is too tired or always has some jacked up excuse (or who knows, his/her ass is still getting that shit somewhere)... you need to fix that problem. Try to find other ways to light up that fire. If that shit ain't gonna work then you need to drop his/her ass. He's/she's obviously not attracted to you anymore, you need to find someone who will appreciate you sexually. IMO, sex def perks up your relationship more. That shit is so important.

If my man was only feeding me twice a month, things would def be diff between us right now.


The Four- One- One.

Who: Mon & Cass
Where: T.O
Why: We def have lots on our mind, wanna vent it out. The name of the blog says we're always on our period, lol... We're not, of course... But sometimes the venting can get intense, and we thought that name was quite suitable.

There's gonna be a lot of pointless stuff we're gonna be blogging about, perhaps pointless to you but not us. This is pretty much our ventAworld... just letting our thoughts out. There's gonna be things you might and might not wanna hear... bare with us and no offense to our readers.

Anyhow... we hope to blog as much as we can and we hope you like what you read, and we'll try to keep up with the material. Enjoy!
