
Arts Market x L&W Launch

“Life & Wisdom” is a Toronto based clothing line. The roots of Life & Wisdom date back to a decade. Passed down by a small circle of friends who started creating their own designs, expressing their creativity within image and putting them on garments. As a team, we continue to develop new ideas and prints. The line is inspired by our upbringings in an urban environment, but sky is the limit. Whether it being music, photography or hand painted tees, we bring something unique and artistic to showcase our passion through ideas. We promise to give you the best we have, and nothing less!


I've blogged about the bf having a clothing line previously... anywho, his team have a spot in the Arts Market, that will now be opening on July 9th/11. I'm hoping anyone that has available time that day can come out and show support for local Toronto artists.


You GO homegirlll !!!

This vid is super old, but sooo classic. Her attitude is superb!!!

This has got to make you laugh... or even smirk!!!

I kinda giggled while I watched this on t.v the other day, lol. If this does nothing for you then you must have been neglected from hugs as a child. :/


For the Love of Sneaks...

Summer is HERE!!! Minus the rainy days, I'm always excited about the warm weather. If you know me, you know I got crazy love for sneaks. I have a pretty mean collection, but when you live in Canada, the weather isn't always so great to rock them shoes. I don't normally wear everything I have... got pairs in boxes I haven't touched yet. Mainly cause I forget about them and also... not gonna lie, too lazy to get the box that's at the bottom, lol. But this summer I intend on wearing everything I own, at least once. Let the sneak fest begin... and I'm also callin' out all the other sneaker headdddsssss... get 'em on, tie 'em up!!!

P.s. On my wedding day, you best believe I'm gonna have a pair of mean sneaks under that gawjus dress =)

Basketball Jones

With the NBA Finals and all... I've been itching. Btw... shout outs to Dallas, Dirky and the Kidd have a well deserved ring. Miami fans have been extra silent since last night's game... talking about it's all "luck." LOL. Sure hater!

Like I was saying, I've been itching to put those ball shoes on, and get on that hardwood floor. I don't really talk about it in person cause everybody teases me. Assholes! I pretty much lived on the court growing up. When my mom needed me she knew exactly where to find me, lol. I still remember the countless memories I have for the love of ball. The only oxygen I needed was basketball, lol. It was my FIRST love and you can never forget your first. Coming home after school and hittin up the court. Waking up early on the weekends for practice. Skipping high school classes to run ball outside in the back, lol. I regret skipping though... I haven't played in a long ass friggen time. Last I was on that sexy hardwood was 7 months ago. Ouch!!! I've been thinking about getting back to playing it, it's one of the only things I know that comes to me as natural as it does. Those ball shoes are collecting some serious dust lol. Since it's summer, I'm gonna do it up.

Ready for some 1-on-1 Neeks? Check up sonnnnn ;)

Serenity Prayer x Roman Numerals

Really wish my torch took better pics, lol. Anywho... what shall I say about tattooooossss?!? Nothing explains it better than I'm addicted. And I absolutely love 'em. If I can tatt up errthang, I would!

Unfortunately, it can't work like that with me. Society puts such a stigma on tatts and what they portray. When someone narrow minded sees someone who's tatted, they assume "jail bird" "rebel" "jobless" and so on forth. Most people I know say "how are you gonna get settled into your career being all tatted up?" What does that even meannn? lol. My tatts don't reflect the job performance I can get done. Having tatts doesn't mean the other girl with no ink on her body will do better than I will. People normally judge you by appearance is what sucks about society. We grew up in a decade where having inked was something only a rebellious person would do... but times have changed and I'm loving it. At least 75% of people at your work have tatts, you just don't know or see it. Lol. Point is: When I first started getting tatted I would carefully pick what body part I want it on. I would over analyze how obvious it is. NOW, I can care less. I'm getting inked wherever I please. I got 8 and I know I'm not done yet. There will always be more ideas to put on your body that will last you a lifetime. Art is Ink. Ink is Art.

The pics above are of the bf and I. We have a variety of diff tatts but share those 2 in common. And this is what sucks about having a significant other who loves something you do, lol. If I say I have an idea for a tattoo and I'm thinking of getting it, he says "that would be sickkk" not "you already have so many... you should stop now" LOL. And I would def say the same to him. We had our recent visit at the shop last Fri and both ended up getting inked. And I knowww we're heading back shortly. Ahhhh for the love of tatts!!! And I'm sure you can tell which one belongs to whom!!!

Also, if you're planning to get a tatt and been holding back... DON'T! Life is too short, live it up NOW. Don't hesitate on what people are going to say. If you're thinking about the pain... F#ck it! lol. It doesn't really hurt, well unless you can't handle pain. But still go get it. I promise you won't regret, well unless you get something totally irrational and stupid. Really think out what you want and get it doneeee.


Hebrews 11:1

"Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

Aloe x Tutu

Went to see Aloe Blacc on Sunday. In my personal opinion, he sings better live. He's also a really good performer. Overall, it was worth it. The opening band were called Tutu Sweeney & the Brothers Band, and they were mucho good too. They were a whole bunch of youngins (4 in the band), the singer was 20. But the vibe they sent off was niceeee.

CLARIFICATION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Most people reading the blog would assume that I'm basing these posts on my life... Don't get it twisted, I've experienced most of it, but at most times these posts are based on people I know. If someone tells me a story and I find it interesting, I blog it. Of course I can't sit here and take names while I type 'em up. So when I write them, I do it so you're reading it off my perspective. I can't say "my friend Vanessa and her bf had this issue where..." lol. Therefore, I put myself in the story instead, to leave people anonymous.

I felt the need to clarify that, cause people base shit on the assumptions they make. In this case, by reading my blog. Not everything in this blog is based on my life. A portion of it, Yes! But I also write majority of these posts through others' experiences.


Calling YOU Out !!!

As females... If you haven't experienced this, then you're "that" girl. Ladies, you ever been in a situation where your man has those "certain" female friends? You know... The ones who act like they don't like your bf more than just friends. The ones that will hold a friendship with them pretending errrthang is cool. But.. YOU know!!! As you being the gf you know your man's friend has more feelings for him then just friendship. YOU know they're just waiting for that right opportunity to hop in to steal his ass away. They're just waiting for a slip up, or even a weak moment when your man would lean on them to talk... And thennnnn swoooooop she goes!!! I can't stand them bitches. I feel that they're the type of women who can't get their own, so they want everybody else's shit. To the ladies who've worn my shoes before, I salute you for not knocking the dumb outta her ass yet or calling her out for her b.s fake ass. And to the heifers who are doing it...

^^^Exactly! I have no words to really express how pathetic you make yourself look. Just so you know, we being their girlfriends, aren't that naive to believe you don't want him more than just a friend. But guess what? He's mine until further notice :p

Keep it classy!

P.s. This post doesn't necessarily reflect my relationship... of course it has before cause we've all experienced those dumb broads. But, definitely a general post on those type of girls. And if you felt any offense to this post it's cause you're HER!

