

I was wishing someone from high school a happy birthday today... Then I realized I was turning 26 in a couple months (ouch). I thought back on high school and how long ago that was. About 12 years ago... And believe it or not, I have kept contact with so many people. I'm still so close to friends I went to high school with, better yet, even my elementary friends. I have 16+ years of friendship with certain friends. And I don't mean the type of friends you know for over a decade but see and talk to here and there. I'm talking friends that I still have daily convos with and still go out with. It's insane when I sit here and count these years. Good ass friendship is def rare, and I'm glad I got my pick. Throughout the days, weeks, months and years you come to realize who's there for you and who isn't. You notice who shows up for your birthdays and who checks up to see how you're doing all the time. In my case, I always got respect for those genuine friends who look out for my daughter as well. Also, I can't forget the few friends in my life that haven't been there a long time but surely show me the effort they make within our friendship. You don't always need to know someone for a decade to build that quick closeness, if you connect, then it works.

So let's have a toast to my genuine few... adding on the years to the years of our friendship =)