
Leaving on a jet plane

Two more months...counting the weeks, days, minutes to get the hell out of here.



I was wishing someone from high school a happy birthday today... Then I realized I was turning 26 in a couple months (ouch). I thought back on high school and how long ago that was. About 12 years ago... And believe it or not, I have kept contact with so many people. I'm still so close to friends I went to high school with, better yet, even my elementary friends. I have 16+ years of friendship with certain friends. And I don't mean the type of friends you know for over a decade but see and talk to here and there. I'm talking friends that I still have daily convos with and still go out with. It's insane when I sit here and count these years. Good ass friendship is def rare, and I'm glad I got my pick. Throughout the days, weeks, months and years you come to realize who's there for you and who isn't. You notice who shows up for your birthdays and who checks up to see how you're doing all the time. In my case, I always got respect for those genuine friends who look out for my daughter as well. Also, I can't forget the few friends in my life that haven't been there a long time but surely show me the effort they make within our friendship. You don't always need to know someone for a decade to build that quick closeness, if you connect, then it works.

So let's have a toast to my genuine few... adding on the years to the years of our friendship =)


In the spirit of Valentines

Since I was listening to him already, decided to share my top 3 John Legend songs that make my heart melt...siiighhhhhh**

1) Stay with you
2) This Time
3) I Love, You Love

Now I need to find a man that can sing so he can serenade me next Valentine's Day :)

Things I dislike...

... And I assure you there are many lol...

For beginners we all know my top dislike:
- LIARS!!! Any type of liars. Big liars, small liars, fat liars, skinny liars... I dislike them all.

Females who:
- Who feel the need to cake their face, esp at the gym before their workout :s
- Who don't tie their hair at the gym. You're not freaking trying out for ms. Universe.

- Guys who wear super tight tank tops at the gym and/or white track pants. Let me also add "puma" sneaks
- Wearing sandals with socks kinda defeats the whole purpose of wearing sandals no?!
- Wearing a Canada Goose or any winter jacket with flats... Wtf
- When you work at a gym, and you wait on people to leave at a certain time... Aka Close, but they walk on out 15 mins after close acting all nonchalant. Jerks!
- If you're grown, why are you "high" all the time. That's a ridic high school phase no?!?
- Dumb friends... We allllll have those. Especially if they're close dumb friends. Gawd!!!
- Girls who draw their eyebrows. I never understood why :s
- Guys who don't cut their nails, especially when there's dirt in 'em. Eeek!

People who:
- Send you stupid ass broadcast messages on bbm non-stop
- Change their profile pics every few mins on bbm, LITERALLY!
- Take a million self mirror pics and post them. That one's actually hilarious. And then they change outfits while at it too
- Wear bluetooths at clubs. Who are you talking to in a club?
- Wear sunglasses at night. Where's the sun?
- Wear hoodies and jackets in summer. You're making me sweat...
- Shower in cologne/ perfume
- Play their music so loud even you can sing to the lyrics
- Don't apply deodorant. Thought this was part of the North American lifestyle?!
- Smell like b.o before they even work out

What does Valentine's Day mean to you?

As I read some of the stats women I know had posted on their facebook, made me wanna write a post concerning it. "We don't need valentine's day for our loved ones to show us what we mean to them... It should be like this on the daily. My man treats me well." I feel neutral about this comment. Yes, you're right... We should have our significant other treat us special everyday. When I say special I don't mean, buy me flowers and candies on the reg... That stuff is irrelevant really. But show each other the love and understanding that needs to be there. The honesty with the respect. The laughter and the happiness. We all really just wanna feel content right? Now on the other hand, the girl who posted that stat may just have an awesome boyfriend. That's why she's saying that. She's claiming that her boyfriend treats her well everyday and telling other folks that it should be like that for everyone. But what she's not realizing is that maybe "Betty" isn't as fortunate as she is. Maybe Betty's man treats her just ok on the regular. Maybe Betty waits around for occasions to see something special her man will do for her. So you can't just sit there and tell everyone to feel what you feel. Certain people need those days in their relationship to feel that special stuff. Yeah it sucks right? But like I said maybe Betty isn't as lucky as some females with awesome boyfriends.

I have never been a "fan" of valentine's day cause it's never been of importance to me... Instead of flowers, I'd rather have love and affection. Instead of chocolates, I'd rather have happiness and understanding... Instead of cards, I'd rather have honesty and respect =) Although, I don't mind the flowers, chocolates and cards LOL. Lilies for flowers, Ferrero Rocher chocolates to be specific and hallmark or carlton cards.

Hope all the couples enjoy valentine's day. A lot of you may be cliche and even propose, I ain't hating, lol. Good luck with that!!! And to all of the single folks... Don't be upset that you're not out on a date, it's all too commercial anyway. Plus it falls on a Monday... ;)


He’ll guide you through.

It's only human nature to make a few wrong turns, go around in what may seem like endless circles and then hit a few dead-ends before you find your way.

But when you finally do, you'll find the path you walk straighter, the steps you take lighter and the air you breathe fresher.

And then as you make your way along you're new found path you'll come to an intersection, much like the one you had encountered a long time ago.

You may panic for a second…but then you realize that this time you can make your choice with peace of mind.

Knowing that no matter which road you decide to take, when you once again reach the point at which you've exhausted all of your options and feel that there's no routes left to try, you can reach out to him and he'll guide you through.


Things I could live without.

People with really annoying voices...you know the ones that you can ALWAYS hear over any amount of background noise? The ones that are so annoying that regardless of what the person is saying, you find it utterly idiotic and irritating?

I'm experiencing that right now...and because I can't yell at or hit this person (I'm reaaaally trying to hold back) I will simply share my frustration with you.


Thank You!

Just wanna take a minute to thank all the readers for reading. Every time i check the stat bar, it surprises me all the time. Even when we lack on posts, I notice people still check us out. So a round of applause to y'all for reading the everyday bullshit and rants =)

Hope you continue to keep us as a daily dose and read away what we have to offer!



Now this is a topic that may be a little touchy for some folks... Only cause as you're reading this you'll soon realize you are a jealous ahole!!!

It all really depends what you're jealous about right?! Nobody said that you should NEVER be jealous cause it is within the human nature, but fyi to the extra out of control jealous folks, this is one UGLY emotion.

At first when you're in a relationship and you realize your bf/gf acting up to certain things with jealousy... You think "well that's kinda cute" but then it continues into such an ugly emotion which is def not cute at all.

Unless your partner is some sort of a hoe, you should have minimum reasons of being jealous. A guy/girl calling your gf or bf, or messaging them should in no way make you jealous, unless of course you sense some extremely weird vibes or these people are hollering at your significant other and calling at ungodly hours of the night. If you have what they call "too many male/female friends" that should also not be a reason for that horrid emotion to pop up. People don't take into common consideration that some females are just raised around a whole buncha dudes... Or some males, have plenty of female friends. So whaaaaat???? Like I said it all depends on the situation. If you're being jealous solely because your man/woman has too many friends of the opposite gender... Then you may as well go jump off a bridge cause that's just retarded. If your man/woman is way too flirty, then you need to have a talk with them about where things stand concerning that. If you're outta control flirting while in a relationship, then you need to re analyze whether you should be single or in a relationship.

Now let's also get this right for the cunts who think asking about a female/male friend is considered "being jealous." If I inquire to you about a female friend I have never heard of or was never brought up within our relationship, I'm bound to ask you who they are and what not. You gotta give me some sort of background. That does not mean I am in any means jealous of this person. It just means as your partner, I have every right to inquire who this folk is. And I expect the same from the person I'm with. I mean if you have never heard of a guy friend I brought up or came up, feel free to ask me questions, but don't go past your limits.

Point of this post: Jealousy sucks ass and you make yourself look pathetic when you're showing it in an often matter. In my opinion, people who are consistently jealous have serious insecurity issues. If it's not consistent and for a valid reason which makes sense, then you are not the abnormal one, lol.

But to the crazies out there... you make yourself look extra crazy when being so open about that emotion!!! Just quit it and join us normal folks =)

P.S. Sorry for being so MIA concerning the postings. I'm not gonna lie and make up some super hectic schedule for you, I was indeed toooo lazy to post for the past month or so.


Just one of those days…

11:00am-2:30pm: happy

2:30pm – 3:40pm: angry

3:40pm- 3:45pm: upset

3:45pm – 4:25pm: crying

4:26pm – realized I'm on my period

4:27pm – happy

Being a girl sucks sometimes.

How to lose a girl in 10 days…ooor within 60 seconds!

This post was inspired by a message I received from a friend of a friend that I had spoken to once prior to this…

Yo babbbbbby
how are u. Long time no hear

If you know me…you can only imagine my reaction to this.
Something along the lines of "wtf?!" *insert vomit face*

Since I had just happened to have watched the movie how to lose a guy in 10 days and have recently experienced waaay too many mistakes made by perfectly nice guys, I decided I needed to write a small DON'T list for our male readers. So let's begin from the message above…

Men, please DON'T

1) Start a conversation with a girl you barely know with a 'PING!'… I am now immediately annoyed by you.

2) Call me "baby" unless I AM your baby… and that rule goes for "sweetie" and any other 'cute' name you try to make up for me. I don't know you like that!

3) Change your bbm profile picture to you taking a picture of yourself without your shirt on…that is NEVER okay or cute. P.S girls like a little mystery too

4) Invite a girl you've known for one week to your uncle's famjam… does this require any further explanation???

5) Ask the girl you're interested in 25 miilllliionnn questions about herself …getting to know each other should not feel like you're getting grilled by an interview panel

6) Use cheesy ass lines like "For a girl with such a gorgeous smile, you should smile and laugh more often"…. First of all, women that are smart can pick apart a compliment from a line and secondly, if a girl isn't smiling and laughing around you, maybe there's a reason for it…YOU!

7) Ask a girl about her schedule every other day…if she really wants to go on a date with you, she'll get back to you!

These are just the fresh ones on my list but I'm sure you ladies have plenty to add so feel free to leave some comments. PLEASE help me help the men of this world!