
LADIES... we don't give ourselves enough credit!

So... yesterday morning my hair stylist bbms me asking me a question. "Cass, what physical features don't you like about yourself?" And did I have a list of things I mentioned, LOL. I don't have low self- esteem, but as every woman out there... there's things about myself I wish I could improve. It's not that I hate my body or I am uncomfortable in my own skin, but c'mon... none of us are perfect and there's nothing wrong with improving certain things. Not like I'm tryna get a full body surgery or something, lol.

So any who... I asked her why she was asking me that question, and she said "I was just curious... women in our city are so gorgeous but we never see that within ourselves." And so with the boredom of my day I surveyed away, lol. I asked a good few women, most that I am close to of course. And the answers I got were surprising. We look at every damn thing on our body. Shit 99.9% of people wouldn't even notice. LITERALLY!!!!

These are some answers I got from some females... The things they weren't necessarily a fan of, wished they could improve, but at the same time I hadn't noticed any of these things, lol.

- Weight (we kill ourselves over this one)

- Too much hair (if i can get laser treatment on everything... i would)

- Skin problems

- Teeth (I wish I had braces as a child)

- Knee caps (literally... knee caps. Nobody will notice this but YOU)

- Ears

- Hair

- Too much boobs or not enough

- Stretch marks

... and the list friggen goes on...

Now, I wanted to ask some of my boys what they didn't like about themselves... and as you may have guessed, most of them said I LOVE MYSELF! Lol. The only thing i really got was "I wish i was taller" ... K, so why the f#ck does it go this way. You got most of these dudes who think they're A-okay, and we got more than 95% of women out there who have so many things we would love to improve.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with how we feel about ourselves. It is totally natural that when we look in the mirror, we think "umm i wish my stomach was flatter" lol. But at the same time, does all this shit really matter? Is anyone out there perfect? We def don't give ourselves enough credit. More than half the things my lady friends mentioned, I never even noticed. I've known some of these girls for yearssss, and I don't see any of those features they mentioned. They look perfectly fine to me. There were a couple women out there who said they love themselves just how they are. They said that they have accepted who they are and have embraced it. BUT, that still doesn't mean you don't look at yourself in the mirror and wanna improve something. Kudos to you if you have embraced it all... and don't get it twisted, all the women I spoke to are all confident. Just cause you find something wrong with your body does not mean you haven't embraced it. I'm content with myself YET there's always room for improvement.

So seriously... as we bicker about our weight, who gives a shit eat that steak. As we talk about how much we hate our stretch marks, we can't change it. We complain about our teeth not being straight enough, Smile anyway cause whomever is falling in love with you, surely isn't for your frown. Our boobs aren't perky enough?!?! Totally take that bra of while you're making love cause you know for damn sure he's loving it no matter what.

Always room for improvement, but no need to dwell over these things. Beautiful regardless of our knee caps, weight, thin hair, dark circles under our eyes, feet, stretch marks, ears... and the million other things we talk about. At the end of the day.... NOBODY is born without a FLAW. When you sit there and think about all the things you don't necessarily like about yourself, flip that around and think about the things you do love about yourself ;)

SideNote: I put some pics up of my gawjus lady friends... just by looking at them you would never see that there's anything noticeable right?! But of course we all look at ourselves and notice every little flaw to US. I don't give a shit if I'm not fit, I'm going to a buffet tonight!!! =) =)


  1. wonderful post. i've always had self-issues and i'm just now learning to accept myself for who i am. i still want to get in shape and fix certain areas, but i'm not gonna hate myself because i'm not the epitome of what society considers beauty. and all of those ladies are gorgeoussss.

  2. I def don't look like what society portrays women to look like... I also wanna improve on certain areas but hey... NO RUSH! At the end of the day, i'm content regardless.

    And thank you... they def are gorgeous! =)
