
Let Go.

I ain’t never had anyone fuck me up like you,
Lift me up so high and drop me down like you do.
Said you was hurtin, but it took you only two weeks to get through,
While I’m here suffering 3 months past due

I had the days I thought I was over it too
Wasn’t spending so much time thinkin bout you
But then you did the same shit that you always do,
Why you holdin, rubbin my hand as if I belong to you?

You knew what you were doin,
Ain’t that the game you always play?
Tell me to leave, but you can’t bare to see that day.
So you might be wonderin why the fuck do I stay…

I never even cussed you, never raised my voice
Cuz I still consider you my best friend… it ain’t even by choice
It’s just that you’re the only one I ever had that with
I truly cared for you…opened up to you…spent so much time with you
Musta been the reason I put up with all the bullshit that came with you

See if it were anyone else, I’d say fuck em and leave
But we got something special, something so hard to achieve
And the thing is…I know you felt all that too,
Why would you spend two years if it meant nothing to you?

I may have been naïve bout some of the shit you did,
But the things you told me…n the way you would hold me...
I know that was legit.
Maybe that’s why I’m still holdin on,
I don’t think you would’ve left, if I hadn’t gone.

Cuz it’s easy when you don’t gotta see me and your busy with your new G,
But whenever I’m around, you do all this shit...as if you wanna be with me
You can go ahead and deny it and keep your pride
But I know you…and I know when you show me that side

See now, I’m not sayin I still wanna be with you,
Think I learned that lesson after breakin my heart…times two
And don’t get me wrong, you know I’ve forgiven you
Guess all I’m really sayin is,
You let go...and I’ll let go too.

I wrote this poem on December 7th 2006...it's crazy how long its been and how very relevant it remains lol Anyway it's one of my all-time faves, hope you enjoyed it :)

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