
I got that Love Jones...

If you haven't watched Love Jones before... you are missing out on the whole meaning of having a love jones. Below is a clip of when Darius dedicated the poem to Nina. Damnnnnn!!!

'A blues for Nina'

"Say baby, can I be your slave? I've got to admit girl, you're the shit girl, and I'm digging you like a grave.
Now do they call you Daughter to the spinning pulsar,... Or maybe Queen of 10,000 moons? Sister to the distant yet rising star? Is your name Yemaya? Oh hell no... It's got to be Oshun.
Is that a smile at me put on your face, child ...wide as a field of jasmine and clover?
Talk the talk honey, walk the walk money. High on legs that'll spite Jehovah.
Shit. Who am I? That's not important. But they call me brother to the night.
And right now... I'm the blues in your left thigh... Trying to become the funk in your right.
Who am I? I'll be whoever you say. But right now I'm the slight-raped hunter... Blindly pursuing you as my prey. And I just want to give you injections... Of sublime erections and get you to dance to my rhythm, make you dream archetypes, of black angels in flight... Upon wings or distorted, contorted... Metaphoric jizm.
Come on slim, fuck your man, I ain't worried about him. It's you who I want to step to my scene, cause rather than deal with the fallacy of this dry ass reality. I'd rather dance and romance your sweet ass in a wet dream.
Who am I? Well, they all call me brother to the night. And right now I'm the blues in your left thigh, trying to become the funk in your right.
Is that all right?"


Sometimes we need to stop over analyzing the shit we go through... pick up the pieces and walk the fuck away.

You never know how good it is until it's gone!

Freak me while this is playin in the back...

Your music didn't die with you...

Dear M.J,

I should have done this on your 1 year death anniversary but got caught up. Just a reminder that your legacy will live on, and your music did not die with you. Still kinda surprising that you're gone... I'm sure there's over a million of us out there who wanna thank you for all this good ish. No replacement! R.I.P



Keep your eyes to yourself...

You can't really notice the 3 hefty brothas in the pic above... but it's De La... De La... SOUL! I wish i actually had my cam on me, but my BB had to be brought out for this blurry pic, lol.

Anywho... this post isn't about De La Soul. But on my way back from the De La Soul concert, i was on the train, there weren't much people on it. Besides the guy who was picking his nose sat a couple. The girl looked like she was passed out on her man's shoulder, he was kissing her up until i got on the train. I sat behind them. After she looked like she had passed out, this dude kept turning back and giving me an eye, consistently. I HATE THAT SHIT! You're here with your lady, yet you have wandering eyes. Why?!?! Is it so hard to keep your eyes to yourself. I mean there's nothing wrong with looking, but try not to do that shit when you're with your significant other. I think that shit is flat out rude and disrespectful. What the F is wrong with men? What has happened to common sense and respect? *smh


Cooba for Two!

The bf and i are back from Cuba and i'm dark as ever! We had a good time. Mon is actually there at this very moment, she'll be back on Fri. I'm sure she'll get some color when she gets back... a lil bit of that brown skin ;)


Rumor has it...

I guess I'm some days late on this, but i just got back from vacay so cut me some slack.

Any who, it has been confirmed that A.Keys is pregnant and now engaged to Swizz Beatz. I'm not really sure about this though... to begin with i didn't expect her to steal some one's man. Don't get me wrong... she's a genuine person and is a great musician. BUT... we all know how the story goes right? I mean... once a cheater always a cheater. There are a very RARE amount of men out there who actually change. And if anyone should know this... it's Alicia. Cause "Karma" is def a bitch. So i would suggest her to be more careful and if this works... then kudos to them!!! Although i still don't believe in the concept of cheating nor stealing some one's man. *SMH


(Got this off a friend who got it off someone else... so it's being Re posted)

The Blame Game

It's tough to face, but the truth is, most men use the term crazy to describe an ex in order to cast ourselves as the victim rather than admit to being the villain in a past relationship. It's hard to find fault in our dating behavior because that might lead us to more troubling realizations about how we need to improve as people. It's a lot easier to reassign the guilt and start looking for the next love of our life.

And when we do find a keeper, the crazy ex-girlfriend is a fictional character that helps us get your complete allegiance. By claiming that women in our past have wronged us, we hope you'll want to make up for our heinous experiences by showing us how a great guy should be treated — preferably with mind-blowing sex.


If your man starts talking about his crazy ex, keep this in mind: Most women don't go nuts for no reason, and details tend to be blown out of proportion. When he says something like "She called me 20 times in one night," she really called only three times in a week when he vanished after saying "I love you."

To get the real story on his past loves, believe half of what you hear and all of what you see. Focus on how he treats you — specifically, whether he takes your needs and concerns seriously or shrugs them off. If it's the latter, you could end up being his next psycho ex.