

So this was a crap week wasn't it?!?!? We had 2 unbelievable legends die, whatta shame. I have no comments really except how crazy talented they were. Sucks losing talented people. Things I knew from my generation are slowly vanishing.

I absolutely love the boxing sport and Joe Frazier was an intense boxer, everyone was scared of that left hook.. just ask Ali.

And concerning Heavy D... Talib Kweli said it best "Without Heavy D ain't no Diddy. Ain't no Biggie. Ain't no Pete Rock & CL Smooth. Recognize. RIP" Enough said!

R.I.P Joe Frazier aka Smokin' Joe and Heavy D!!!


Cottage Life for NeeksMoney!

The boyfriend just had a recent birthday, so instead of doing it up in Toronto... we headed up to my sister's cottage in Wasaga Beach. It was an awesome weekend, with lots of drunkies doing dumb shit. My lover along with the friends had an amazing time and I couldn't have been any happier. We all lived it up so nice that we're intending to head back early next month, lol. One last time before winter hits hardcore.

So shout outs to Neeks... Happy Belated Birthday babe. Sorry for the late shout out post (lol), but I hope you had the best time everrrrr. Looking forward to next year... I loveee youu =) 

                                              That Cold Steel Cake

                                              Stirring some pot... lol
                 Hello Ladies. The First 3 from your left... Yours truly: Monica, Stephanie & myself of course
                                         Teaching us how to dougie

                                            Love at first sight lol

I'm Back!!!

So I just realized I've been absent for around 2 months now, I really have no excuse for it, but it felt like a part- time job at some point. Kinda missed it... so I'm gonna try and keep up. Blogger has all this new shit now that I had no idea about, I'm not gonna bother trying them out due to laziness.

Let's start with a Sister Souljah post. Have you guys heard of her? She's an amazing author and an even more amazing activist. She also used to be part of the hip-hop group Public Enemy... If you haven't read her books, I suggest you pick one up. Start with No Disrespect. I'm sure a whole lot of you have heard of her second book called The Coldest Winter Ever, followed by Midnight: A Gangster Love Story and her most recent was Midnight: And The Meaning Of Love. She has another book coming out in 2012 called Porsche Santiaga.

I had the opportunity to meet her and get a book signing on September 30th. Not only did I get a chance to meet her and hear her speak... but I got to help out with the event itself. She definitely has a lot of power in her voice, and I'm def a fan of her work.
Anywho, my focal point is: READ HER BOOKS =) Above are a couple pics from her event.



I've been MIA for a bit now. Super lazy to blog, also have squat sh!t to blog about really. Will keep you guys posted when I can get back into the blogging game.



We all remember the tragedies of 9/11. I still remember sitting in my high school Civics class when the principal made an announcement of what happened. At that very moment I shed some tears. My classmates looked at me surprised of why it had such an affect on me. I asked the teacher if I could be excused and bounced. Went to a payphone and called my mom at work...

If you know me, then you know my mom's whole fam lives in NY. Therefore when this horrid incident took place, I was hoping my aunts weren't there. One of my aunt's worked in Manhattan, the rest the fam didn't really work in the area. But it was natural for me to feel the way I did. Could they have been in the area at the moment this occurred? That was definitely a huge possibility. Yes, I know there's tragedies that happen everyday in many different countries. Yes, I know there are a huge amount of people dying as I'm typing this right now... BUT, it's a whole different feeling when you know you have family that live in those areas. So I'd say 9/11 did scare me some.

As I was reading the Toronto Star at work today, there were a few posts on the Remembrance of 9/11 and how it's been a decade since the incident happened. That's the sole purpose of me even typing up this post, although I know it lies a few weeks ahead of us.

As I read about so many other countries who are facing trials and tribulations, it saddens me. I feel super fortunate to be where I am right now. Today I was complaining about how the weather sucks due to the rain, not realizing the drought certain parts of Africa are experiencing right now. I've been through a lot of b.s within my life, but none of that matters right now, nothing measures up to the fact that I never experienced being in 9/11, the genocide in Rwanda, or even the Holocaust. Gotta appreciate all the goods I have going on (not to say I've been unappreciative of any sort). Life's too short, LIVE IT UP!!!

Below is an article from the Los Angeles Times about a reporter who had some experienced in the 9/11 tragedy.



Lol. First off I just wanna say Ghostface is one hilarious guy. He says the funniest shit that you know he's not even being sarcastic about. The bf and I have been talking like him here and there lately, lol. My boy and I came across a fake site of someone who imitates Pretty Toney, he pretty much talks about the softest rappers in the game today. Ghostface has spoken up about it and said the site doesn't belong to him, but nor did he deny any of that ish, except that him and Wiz don't have beef, lol.

I think his humor is pure hilarity to me... Anywho, here's some advice from him:

Be careful you know I mean whatever whatever to each his own but that milk that coffee hot chocolate and sh*t, milk shakes… Son you’ll f*ck around and be sh*tting on yourself if you got somewhere to go thats mad important man. I’m telling you G, don’t just get up and act like you drinking some milk n*gga and you bout to bounce. Cuz you gon f*ck around and sh*t on yourself. If you stuck in traffic n*gga, you gonna sh*t on yourself

Y’all n*ggaz that be f*ckin with that bird bath sh*t thinkin y’all clean, like you just gonna go in the bathroom & wash your nuts your face. Thats not cleaning yourself. I don’t give a f*ck how much soap you put on your little bird a*s chest n*gga. It ain’t working my n*gga. Nah mean, get your a*s in the shower son. Get between your toes n*gga. Wipe your a*s n*gga. And when you get in the shower for n*ggas that don’t know how to take showers, wash your f*ckin face first man. THEN wash your nuts. Don’t wash your nuts and then wash your face. You feel me! You goin’ backwards. A lot of y’all n*ggas ain’t know that sh*t! Nah mean. And scrub hard! Scrub your balls hard n*gga, scrub your little dirt off your ankles that when you was a lil kid u couldn’t get em off & sh*t. Sh*t kept sticking there even tho how hard you tried haha. For y’all n*ggas that got that sh*t, y’all n*ggas ain’t clean man. Word up man! And have a b*tch getcha back. Cuz your back is dirty son! The back of your a*s and the back of your back. Scrub that sh*t n*gga.
Clean your a*s with the best soap. The best soap from the heavens above n*gga. That’s Dove!

Im tellin yall man. When yall get up in the mornin man, don’t just brush your teeth man scrub your tongue. Scrub that f*ckin Halitosis off that f*cking tongue of yours. Word up! This is real talk right here. Tony from New York. Scrub your tongue man, thats where all your bad breath, your little f*ckin corroded bacteria be runnin around tap dancing on yall f*ckin tongue at night son. Word up. Dried up food n*gga! N*ggaz got that food tongue, wake up mouth smellin like sh*t son. Cuz its all in your mouth son. It’s growin on that sh*t. Nahmean. Scrub that sh*t son. Put some toothpaste on that sh*t, brush your teeth and scrub your tongue man. Scrub ya lips, all that shit man I don’t give a f*ck. Stick the toothpaste toothbrush down your f*ckin throat if you have to my n*gga! Word up! Get that sh*t up off there. Thats not nice! Thats not a good look.
Brush your f*ckin teeth everyday cuz your mouth, y’all might not can’t smell it but yall sh*t smelling like mad sh*t! Brush your f*ckin teeth man, do it hard man. Brush them sh*ts til your gums bleed my n*gga! Do something man. Swallow a box of baking soda and peroxide! Mattafact this how you do it, brush your teeth, throw some listerine in there too at the same time man.Your sh*t gon be on fire but it work!



Ayo Son...

You counting down days too? Let's make this another memorable one ;)