
Welcoming Twenty- Ten.

Just wanted to take the time and wish everyone a Happy New Year's Twenty-Ten. May you have good health, success, laughter, love, a fair amount of wealth and a blessed New Year.

"Laugh when you can, apologize when you should, and let go of what you can't change. Kiss slowly, play hard, forgive quickly, take chances, give everything and have no regrets. Stop analyzing the past, stop planning the future, stop trying to figure out precisely how we feel... stop deciding with our mind what we want our heart to feel, and sometimes we just have to go with 'whatever... happens... happens' "
Whether you're spending it with your loved ones or strangers... LIVE IT UP!!!
May y'all have a prosperous New Year.


Movie list for Twenty-Ten

In random order...

Up in the Air (December 04, 2010)
Sherlock Holmes (December 25, 2010)
The Book of Eli (January 15, 2010)
Legion (January 22, 2010)
Shutter Island (February 19, 2010)
Brooklyn's Finest (March 05, 2010)
A Nightmare on Elm Street (April 30, 2010)
Iron Man 2 (May 07, 2010)
Prince of Persia: Sands Of Time (May 28, 2010)
The Karate Kid (June 11, 2010) (yes, i said the karate kid. I watched it growing up, therefore it will always be a classic to me)

Of course i'm gonna start off with Sherlock Holmes & Up in the Air first as they are already out... check out the trailers on youtube or cineplex.


Got my fave flowers a few days before Christmas from the bf.

When you do things for someone unexpectedly, unoccasionally...it's more heart warming.

There's always next year!

Before i get into my post, hope everyone, whether you celebrate it or not had a good time over the holidays, especially Christmas as the occasion itself.


I was super excited for Christmas this year, don't get me wrong, I'm excited every year, but this year was different. I didn't get a chance to spend it with fam last year as they were in NY celebrating it with the extended fam. Therefore, i was left alone... and that wasn't the first time either. Due to certain circumstances i couldn't leave the times they were up in NY celebrating. So this year's excitement was off the hook for me.

I was so anxious for school to be done with for the semester so i can finally get my Christmas game face on, lol. But............. things def did not go as i expected. It was an extremely very quiet Christmas and def not what i expected. I was just waiting for it to be done with so we can move on with the next day. Not tryna sound all Grinch and what not, but it just wasn't the greatest for me. Certain things took place that weren't supposed to and plans failed due to those issues.

I'm really hoping next year will be what i wanted this year... although i am def not gonna expect anything. Seems like when you don't expect something outta anything... there's no disappointment, and for next year's Xmas... I'm gonna play just that way.


Wishing You and Yours

Merry Christmas to all.. and to all a goodnight :)


Take a moment

So I just found out that Brittany Murphy passed away yesterday, at 32 years old...with no history of health issues. She collapsed early morning and passed away of natural causes. In the past two weeks I've been told about another two entirely unexpected deaths.

It's kinda crazy to think we could go at anytime...regardless of age or health. Makes you think about how we take for granted the time we have here. I think I'll put a little extra effort into enjoying myself, focusing on the positives and eliminating the negatives in my life in the new year.
R.I.P to all those who have passed away and hold a special place in our hearts.

Dear Bloggy

My deepest apologies for the lack of TLC I've been providing lately.. I thought when I finished school I'd have more time for you but apparently not! Can't even blame it on the xmas shopping since I've bought a total of... TWO presents thanks to the pushiness of Cass. :)

Can you believe Christmas is only 4 days away!?? I've been so busy catching up with people and taking some time out for myself and sleeeeping that I didn't even notice the time just flyying by!

Looking forward to the holidays...family, friends, FOOD and another 3 weeks off! Craaaazy!

Stay in touch! ;)

Encountering Coincidences...

This past Saturday... the bf and I exchanged gifts. We were pretty sure we weren't gonna see each other for Christmas, so we did it ahead of time. So we exchanged the big gifts first... then on to our last one, and turns out..................... we got each other the same freakin thing. I opened his first and it was an album that's in the pic above. I was SHOCKED, cause i was thinking "damn i got the same album, wtf." So i smiled large and played it off cause he didn't open mine yet. His turn>>> He opens mine and he got up off the bed with shock, LOL. What the heck are the odds????!! The only difference between what we did was that he printed out pics of US and the places we've been to, and i printed out pics of his photography, that i wanted him to make an album out of for keepsake.
What were the chances of us both thinking of the same idea, yet alone grabbing the same album. Insanity! I immediately took a pic via the bb and sent it to Mon, lol. We were all so damn shocked of the coincidence. While the night grew, i was thinking and realized... it wasn't so much so a coincidence, we just have the same taste in certain things. We know each other really well. And this was a sign of how much more we knew each other and what we both liked. It was definitely a priceless moment :) Awesomeness with a capital A!


A feeling of relief.

As i sit here after emailing the end of my assignments to my profs, it finally kicks in... another semester is over. A feeling of relief runs through my vains. No more assignments and exams for a while. 3 weeks of break that i am so looking forward to. I am also looking forward to this weekend, the bf and I usually exchange gifts before xmas, for we're too busy with fam stuff during the week of. Tomorrow is the last day of classes, i am definitely gonna enjoy my break, even if it means doing squat shit :)

Happy Friday Y'all!



"800,000 doses of swine flu vaccine recalled"


Steering and mapping...

Went out with the cuz on Fri night for a friend's bday. She picked me up, we got lost... got McDees, it taste like heaven... on our way back home, she almost killed us, but she didn't. I got home... SAFE!!! *sighhhhhhh
P.S. She was flattered to get her pic taken that night, but she didn't realize she had a missing earring!!!


Snow White

I looked out my window today and saw SNOW! Damn, this is some real shit, we're back on bringing out the north face and the canada goose. I can't stand winter. I mean, yeah it looks all pretty and shit for christmas season. But... wearing boots, a hefty jacket, scarfs and the whole nine is so bothersome. Then you get somewhere inside, and you're all hot and what not, gotta take everything back off. That's one of the sole purposes of why i can't shop during winter time. There's no way i wanna try clothes on in a store and have to take all that ish off. Way too much work.
Anyhow... back to how it snowed today. So yuppers... Toronto had its first official snowfall today. Life sucks! Winter is depressing. I'm gonna go in hibernation now.
But on a brighter note: School is done for the semester next week :) Well this week for Mon, that lucky heifer!!!!! Nevertheless...I cannotttt wait



So Mon and I went to a passion party... it was ummmm ok. lol ;) That's when you find out which girls are the freakiest. We were pretty discreet, exchanging sex jokes between each other, lol. Well that's what we thought atleast, but i'm pretty sure we were loud. Lol
Umm those pics, NOT so discreet!!!
P.S. Our hands now smell like all these diff lubrications and creams!!!! I like the back of my right palm the best. I gots to find out which cream was used, lol.



So homegirl sitting in front of me on the street car looks dressed extra warm...is prob the reason why her ass opened up the whole window. Not realizing there's other people sharing this space. Like its freakin winter time for god's sake! *smdh
Not on my period, but it is early in the A.M and ppl love doing shit to get on my nerves!
On another note: enjoy your weekend y'all :)