
"I'm really too young to be feeling this old"

The picture above is totally irrelevant to my post... i took that pic in Cancun in '08 and I've just been really thinking of my vacay coming up at the end of May and just a tad bit excited.


I turn TWENTY- FIVE in Tminus 12 days. I really don't wanna hit that mark, lol. I know it's not old, but shieeet... it's also not young, and 'i wanna be forever young.' I have absolutely nothing planned for my "BIG" bday, the only thing i know is that i will def be spending it with loved ones. I have come a long long way... i freakin feel old. Also to add that my daughter will be turning eight this year, yikes! It's just an old feeling, i don't feel young. Life for me has def been a real rough roller coaster with a lot of struggles... and at this point right now i feel worn out. I missed out on my "teenage years" cause i got pregnant at a young age, so growing up for me faster than every one else was essential. I have pretty much been a grown up since i was 17, which sucks major ass at some points cause as i said... i feel worn out. But at the same time i feel like i gained a lot of wisdom at a young age, learned how to take care of my responsibilities before any of my friends could even define what responsibility was, and having to take on a young mom role has def been challenging but also rewarding in many ways.

I hope this year eases down for me some... cause... 'I'm really too young to be feeling this old!'

PetPeeve #49

Dear Fellas,

If your eyebrows look better than mine, then we got a fuckin' problem. It is not cute that you get your shit done. It's ok to remove the hair from the middle cause nobody wants that unibrow shit going on either, but getting your eyebrows did... def not as suave as you think it is.

P.S. NO, i will not give you the ph# to my eyebrow lady!!!

With love:


If you don't know, then you must get acquainted!

1 of many Life & Wisdom designs... Below is Ms.Badu with the "love is life" tee.
OK! So this post has been long overdue indeed, lol. Better late than never right?! Right!

The talented Niko Austriaco... aka the bf... has his own clothing line which I think is dopeness. It's called "Life & Wisdom" and he has some nice ass pieces that y'all must check out. He has a blogspot but doesn't update it very often, booo him. Anywho, its www.nikoaustriaco.blogspot.com & www.lifeandwisdomclothing.blogspot.com. I'm not going to put up any more info as y'all can check it out yourself.


Moment of Truth

So i bbmed the bf yesterday morning and said "Guru from GangStarr died" I know if he was in front of me i woulda seen tears drop, cause anyone can point out to good music which involves a good artist. And i was just kidding about him crying, actually i really don't know cause he really would for a true hip hop artist. & I hope he's not reading this. Anywho, his friend at work said "why can't souljah boy die or something" ... on the real though... I mean nobody is hoping bad on anyone, but why must the good artists die, like shit!!!

Pay respect where respect is due... Guru was fighting Cancer for a bit but couldn't beat it. Very sad. R.I.P.


Analyze this; Analyze that

For the past couple of days I've been analyzing things that exist in my life, more so the people. If you take me back to 4 days ago... i had a total diff mentality, but when i sit here now and just think back on all the bullshit... i realize how I've lost trust in people, specific people of course. I don't give a shit about loyalty anymore, cause there are actually people out there who don't appreciate it, so why give an F. The patience I've been holding on to just happened to be thrown out the window. The apologies don't mean shit anymore cause they've been used so often and outta proportion. The bitterness is starting to appear slowly and i catch myself fading. I want out from that world where people lie, bullshit you, fuck you over, take you for granted, don't appreciate the better things and only think about themselves. From time to time you experience these things, it's bound to happen and you can't avoid them... but... there's a line that you eventually draw, that line has been drawn!

To sum up Life in 3 words: It Goes On


Our deepest fear...

"... is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are all powerful beyond measures.
It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves "Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented fabulous?"
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small doesn't serve the world.
There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine as children do.
We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
And as we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."