
By far... the worst experience of my life...

The picture above pretty much explains the pain I've been bearing for over a week now. I had my wisdom teeth out last Mon, on my 9th day now. I feel like crap. I feel like no progress has been made concerning my recovery. I've missed a ton of school and work. Can barely even speak to my daughter cause it hurts to really talk. I was told it may take about a week, maybe even less.... well i say fuck my luck! Seriously, 9th day and no progress, wtf is that. So b.s. I've been a prisoner in my own home for a bit now, I've missed all the sunshine mother nature provided t.o with last week. I have been eating sickly food that i am sick of. My stomach is always growling due to eating such small portions because of this demon pain. I'm tired and just wanna be better and get to moving with things. I stay home and do jack shit all day. And NO it's not as fun as it sounds. I'm counting down to when i can finally get my life back on track.

I'm not tryna scare anyone off concerning getting the w-teeth out. I'm prob the rare cases who suffer this long from it. My girl had hers done 2 weeks prior to mine and right now she's kicking it in Florida. Some luck huh?!?!?

Anyhow, this is why I've been so m.i.a. Let's hope i can move along with this pain and recovery in another few days. See y'all shortly; I hope!

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