
Be Real !

One of the things that kill me the most are... Liars. I just feel as though honesty isn't as hard as people make it to be. It really isn't that hard to be real and tell the damn truth right? Well, to some folks it seems like telling the truth is this ginormous deal. When you're such a big liar and practically lie about every thing you can, honesty tends to be hard for you. Nothing is worst then your loved one lying to you. It's the biggest stab in your chest. You may as well rip my heart out and step all over it, cause that's exactly how it feels. I just think "lying" is such a SELFISH thing to do, and I don't appreciate it in any manner.

Just be REAL y'all... Be straight up and honest about shit. Cause realness is what makes you stand out. I appreciate people who can be straight with me and tell me what it really is, cause at the end of the day, that's exactly how I'm gonna give it to you.

Real as it gets:


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