

"Sometimes you gotta let life turn you upside down... So that way you can live the right side up."


Happy Birthday Stephanie !!!!!

Shout out to our fellow AOMPer Stephanie aka Stevie. Happy Birthday gawjus! Hope you're having an amazing time in Israel and living it up for the next couple weeks till you return. We did a special video for you :)

P.S. This vid does us no justice due to the horrible angle, LOL... So umm yeah just saying!


Mons & Cass



Dear Tom,

Thank you for sharing your lunch with me throughout high school. That is something that has forever brought us close as friends, and may we share many more meals together. I'll hug you when I see you on Sunday and possibly share another meal.

Love: Cass


So.. for the folks who may be confused. Thomas and I have been close friends since high school. He was one of the first people I met when I transferred high schools. I walked into that band class and it was friends at first sight. Yesterday, Thomas and I were reminiscing about high school when he said "Cass... I never share my food with anyone. You're the only person I share with" and then I sighed. When Tom and I were in high school, we went out to lunch everyday together. We both bought our own meals but always split them up. He'd get a different meal than I did and we'd share it everyday for years, LOL. We're special like that!!! But anywho, I wanted to do a post on my 11 year friendship with TomAss... Can't wait to eat on Sunday broham =) Lol

Meet KILO...

This is my cutie Kilo. He's 4 months and at 40lbs. And so adorable when he's asleep, lol.