
Black sitcoms i miss!

Too tired to add The Steve Harvey Show and The Cosby Show to the list. I'll add the clips another day. lol


Lately I've been feeling all sorts of fu#ked up... been tryna dig into getting the old me back. Most times i miss the old me. But i guess for now I'll hold it off for a bit!

A wise woman once said...

I'm in Miami b!tch...

HOLLERRRRR!!! Yeah, that's right... this show is my shit, lol. I mean how can you not like seeing entertainment like this. Every person in the above pic totally makes my night once a week. Season 2 looks like the shiznit. I mean, i thought season 1 was drama... but... nooooo, who was i kidding?! This season looks like a whole bunch of random shit that Cass totally enjoys. I wish i didn't work thurs nights just so i can be home, on the bed... all cozy for this drama. Instead, i have to watch it online... womp womp! But still worth it, lol.

If y'all haven't watched any of the new episodes yet, i would suggest you to do so. And if you have no idea what this show is, then damnnn... go to mtv.ca and look up Jersey Shore and watch the whole first season before you jump right into season 2. You can thank me for using up your time later =)

Empire State of Mind

(Pics above were taken from the Empire State Building)
Before i get into my post about NY... let me just say WOW!!! I haven't blogged in forever. I actually barely even go on my laptop anymore, that's prob why. In any case, i wouldn't wanna be m.i.a like Mon, lol... some one's gotta maintain the blog. So here goes...
Where do i start about New Yawk?! My mom's whole family live in Queens, NY... I've been going there since i was a child and my love for it has grown on every trip. When i was in high school, people called me a "yankee" cause that's how often i was there, lol. It's def home away from home for me, and i appreciate everything that city has to offer. From the 24hr metro, to the hundreds of cabs on the streets, to having to being allowed to bring your own food in the theatres (lol), to how extremely crowded everywhere is, to keeping up with the new yawk minute and to being in Time Square any time of the night and it still being crowded. *deeeep sigh.

Don't get me wrong... i love my city. Toronto will always be my home, but NY will always have my heart. T.O.... the streets are quiet by 9pm on weekdays... weekends by 11pm, lol. I will get kicked outta the movie theatre if i bring in my own food. Downtown is not the place to be any time of the night, it gets pretty silent. The subway stops running at 1:30am... really 1:30 am?!? That's whack! I mean i wouldn't trade growing up anywhere but here, BUT... i wouldn't mind a change at all. And i can guarantee you that if and when i do move outta t.o, you can catch me in NY.

People always tell me i hate on my city... there's no hating here. But a change of atmosphere is needed and NY is my hot spot. I don't see anything wrong with bigging up a diff city. And i dedicate this post to my NEW YORK :) Soon I'll be living in a 'loft' up in Manhattan, with the sounds of the busy streets and the polluted air, lol. I've been taking the bf to NY with me the past few times i went, he loves it-- loves it, so maybe he can join me in my move away ;)
To end this post you know i hadta post this vid up... lol. It's only right =) If you haven't been to The Big Apple, you're missing out.