
Dear Summer,

I know it's a little too early to be doing this letter, but, it's so cold today and I couldn't help but miss you.

Please come as soon as possible. I miss wearing my shades, and tank tops and shorts. I miss eating that soft sweet ice-cream... The walks on the beach, and random beautiful nights out.

Yours Sincerely,



Peace & Love

"Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars... Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that."

Happy Martin Luther King Day!!!

Peace & Love:



I Am Convinced !!!

So we all have heard about the whole controversy within Jigga man's Illuminati situation... I didn't really look into it that deep until today. It's 3am and I'm still up sprung about all this shit. Check out this site to get a scoop on some info... shit's insane.

http://vigilantcitizen.com/?p=1948 - I found his work very interesting!

* Religious group or sect that claims to know the path to enlightenment.
* People claiming to be unusually enlightened with regard to a subject.
* Any of various groups claiming special religious enlightenment.

* Of, relating to, or dealing with supernatural influences, agencies, or phenomena.
* Beyond the realm of human comprehension; inscrutable.
* Hidden from view; concealed.
* Secret; disclosed or communicated only to the initiated.

* A member of an international secret society having as its principles brotherliness, charity, and mutual aid.
* Teachings and practices of the fraternal order of Free and Accepted Masons, the largest worldwide secret society.

* Relating to or suggestive of Satan or evil.
* Profoundly cruel or evil; fiendish.

"7000 Haiti earthquake victims buried in mass grave"

I really didn't wanna upload a diff pic for this post, the pics I have seen thus far are def not eye- bearing. The pic below shows how badly this earthquake has destroyed Haiti , and it's not even 5% of how much they have lost.

I cannot begin to imagine the sufferings the people in Haiti are going through. All I can really do is put my prayers out there, and condolences all around. To all he people who are tryna reach out to their loved ones, i really really do hope you find them well and safe.

To my Canadian folks: You can make a financial donation to The Canadian Red Cross Haiti Earthquake fund online at https://redcross.csfm.com/haiti/index.php or call toll free 1-800-418-1111.

To my American folks: You can make a donation to The American Red Cross International Response Fund http://redcross.org/ or by calling 1-800-RED-CROSS (733-2767).

In addition you can also make a mobile donation. Text "Haiti" or "90999" on your cell phone to send a $10 donation to support Red Cross relief efforts in Haiti. They have already raised $5 million since yesterday morning, so your support DEF helps. Continue what you're doing folks and hopefully more are encouraged to do the same.

I'm sure there are many other ways to donate, but this is all i came across so far. Whether you're going to help physically, financially or by prayers... I encourage you to do something for this disaster.

To all that politics ish going on right now: We're gonna need you assholes to stop the bullshit and start helping in some positive way, cause for fuck sakes... thousands are dead and more are gonna die if they don't get the right aid.



Dear New Yawk

I truly miss you. I'm sorry I haven't been visiting as often as I used to. I'm crossing my fingers to come see you at the end of Feb... and maybe Mon will tag along on this trip :)

Yours Truly,


Kid N' Play


Bad B!tch!

Her music... yeah let's keep that shit in the bedroom! ;)

"Imagine me, wet as can be, between my legs, you tasting me boy when you get here ya know my love will over flow..."

"I want to freak in the morning, a freak in the evening just like me... I need a
roughneck brother that can satisfy me just for me..."

"You do me and watch as I do you, two bodies vibrating, your manhood is escalating..."



You know the type of people who lie about any and everything... From the simple shit to the big ones... I cannot stand that ish!

Just sayin'...

"Everyone needs a co-pilot!"

If you haven't seen "Up in the Air" yet, I suggest you do. It may look like that "it looks kinda boring" type of movie, but it def isn't. IMO at least, I very much so enjoyed it. Not that typical type of movie you're used to watching in front of a big screen. It's 'that' thinking type, the type where you wanna jot down all the quotes...

There were many memorable moments in the movie, but a couple I would like to mention. This one was used when George Clooney who plays Ryan Bingham was giving a speech and he says...
"How much does your life weigh? Imagine for a second that you're carrying a backpack. I want you to pack it with all the stuff that you have in your life... you start with the little things. The shelves, the drawers, the knickknacks, then you start adding larger stuff. Clothes, tabletop appliances, lamps, your TV... the backpack should be getting pretty heavy now. You go bigger. Your couch, your car, your home... I want you to stuff it all into that backpack. Now I want you to fill it with people. Start with casual acquaintances, friends of friends, folks around the office... and then you move into the people you trust with your most intimate secrets. Your brothers, your sisters, your children, your parents and finally your husband, your wife, your boyfriend, your girlfriend. You get them into that backpack, feel the weight of that bag. Make no mistake your relationships are the heaviest components in your life. All those negotiations and arguments and secrets, the compromises. The slower we move the faster we die. Make no mistake, moving is living. Some animals were meant to carry each other to live symbiotically over a lifetime. Star crossed lovers, monogamous swans. We are not swans. We are sharks." FOOD FOR THOUGHT!

Something else he mentioned towards the end of the movie was a quote which I used as the post title... "Everyone needs a co-pilot." To anyone who loves being single, or the idea of being single for the rest of their life. As in not having that one consistent person to share life with and what it's about. Have you ever played this thought in your head? I mean, maybe you're thinking about it now, and you're only in your 20s or 30s... is this what makes you content? Coming from someone (myself) who always said "I don't actually 'need' a man, i can be content without one," this was of course before I had met my bf... I really believed that I was ok with the idea of not having that consistent person in my life. I was ok with that idea of "well it doesn't bother me if I don't have a labelled relationship even when I reach 30." When I look back at the things i said more than a year ago, I think about how happy I am now. I mean yeah I was happy then, but was I entirely content? NOPE! Every time I heard "oh I can't tonight my man and I are gonna watch a movie," I would sit back and think, damn this kinda sucks. What could be so great about being in a relationship anyway. I wasn't content in my previous relationships, therefore the idea of that "consistent" person in my life wasn't important.
Now I'm finally sitting at that stage where I have that one consistent person I can share jokes with and vice versa. I can talk about my day, I can makes those 'movie' plans for the weekend... or just stay home with him and do absolutely nothing and be content. I love the fact of love, but being in love is even more amazing. I was never the type to be falling head over heels for someone, I hated showing my feelings and always had a facade on. I didn't care to share life with someone else, it wasn't important to me... but when you come across that person, everythiiiiing changes. Now I sit here and realize when Ryan Bingham by George Clooney says "everyone needs a co-pilot" I def find this statement true. You may not feel like you need one right now, but believe you... me, that day is bound to come.

Again peoples... watch the movie, you will not be disappointed :)


My lip gloss is poppin'... my lip gloss is cool...

... NO IT'S NOT!!!

Don't get it twisted, everyone likes some gloss on their lips. But to what extent?! I've seen females lookin' all clowned up with a whole bottle of lip gloss on their lips. Seriously... not cool! Esp females who have full lips, when you're blessed with them, there's no need to be puttin' 3 diff shades of lip gloss and having like 10 layers, i personally don't find it attractive. What ever happened to a more so natural look?


"... Showing off your ass 'cause you're thinking it's a trend
Girlfriend, let me break it down for you again
You know I only say it 'cause I'm truly genuine
Don't be a hardrock when you're really a gem..."



Ok.. so nobody actually calls it TSOM, i just made that shit up, lol. I really didn't think Mon would post about it before me, can't believe she beat me to it.

So yesss we finally watched The Sound Of Music on Tues night. I was so amped up to sing and shit, but wasn't allowed. Like wtf man... what you mean i gotta stay silent. I was sitting in my chair just wanting to burst out in song, but had to hold that shit until we hit the parking lot. It was an over all good night, minus the 2 dudes in front of us with ginormous heads. Took a few pics, Mon had me delete the kodak ones cause we looked retarded in them.

P.S. The side note thing that Mon mentioned was nothing like me, i swear i don't sound all high pitched and shit, lol. Just thought i'd put it out there. She did confirm on bbm that in fact it was really just a side note, lol.


"Cause I am a Superwoman
Yes I am
Yes she is
Even when I'm a mess
I still put on a vest
With an S on my chest
Oh yes
I'm a Superwoman"


Doe, a deer...a female deer!

Sooo tonight we went to go watch the Sound of Music, and it was quite nice! I myself haven't seen the movie so I was just chillin back soaking it all in. Cass however, was grinning like a fat kid that just opened their first box of ferrero's and holding herself back from joining in on the solos.

Side note: Have you ever noticed that the more someone tries to hold back their singing, the more high-pitched and terrrible their voice sounds?? Just a thought.

Anywho, so the play was good and it's the last week so catch the sale price within the next few days! Next stop....JERSEY BOYS with the mom. :)



My bf's photography is A-mazing... keep a look out for him ;)