
Priorities vs. Options

It's pretty self explanatory right?!?! Actually, no it's not. Somehow we always fall for people's b.s cause we get blinded by caring. I've noticed a lot of this within the past how ever many years.Whether is has to do with me or others. And to shadow that quote which I absolutely agree with... "don't make someone your priority, if you're only their option."

These are the same people who will tell you they don't have time to do this and that with you, but you notice they have time to do other shit. Or the type of folks who will make any excuse in the world to not do what they need to as being your friend, family or significant other. This is how I see it... no matter what, people will make time for you if they want. Whether I'm working 7 days a week or not, if I wanna make time for someone, I will. If I wanna give you my time of the day, I won't hover you with excuses. You just have to come to a conclusion to who actually cares and who doesn't. Some people will act as if you're super important to them yet they only treat you as an option. F that. You don't have time for that b.s and nor do you have any space in your life to put up with it. Don't allow it. You're worth way more to just be an "option."

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