
No Hating Here!

What can i say about the picture above that isn't already self- explanatory?!?! The fact that there ARE other players out there better than Kobe. Now don't get it twisted... I am in no way discouraging dude's ball skills. Clearly he can school some cats on the court! But, i choose not to dick ride on his abilities and skills. I'm not a Lakers fan, for obvious reasons of course... but I'm not saying they're a shit team either. It seemed so important for me to log on and post about this shit, lol, for the fact that if i want another team to win I'm being called a Hater. Por Que? Just cause my basketball world doesn't revolve around Kobe's nuts doesn't mean I'm hating on dude or his team... it just means that i DO acknowledge other talented players within the NBA. I guess you can call me a hater when i say Nash is up for a ring this year, it's well deserved from his end. Or maybe i can end this post by saying F#CK THE LAKERS! Now you can call me a hater!!! :D

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