

LIARS! I'm sure I've mentioned this before already... But I wanna say it again cause that's how big a pet peeve it is.

People who lie, make my stomach turn! It's so damn unnecessary, yet they still do it. But the truth shall always set you free ;)


Fresh Start

So tomorrow I start the last 4 months of my 5 lonnnggg asss years in school and I couldn't be more exciiiited! Not for school really..well not for school at all lol but for finishing this chapter of my life and moving on to bigger and better.

Ive started contemplating my goals for the year, things I wanna do and see...made me realize how much I really have to look forward to this year and the next few.

Feeling like 2011 really is my year for new beginnings and doing everything I've been dreaming of and waiting to do for yeeeaars! I'll finally be free in every which way to do whatever it is I want....can't friggin waaaait.

Hope you all feel as positive about 2011 as I do..2010 was a struggle for more than a few but this year is a winner..i can feeeellll it!


Twenty- Eleven!!!!

I haven't posted since X-mas Eve. I guess I'm over due for one, minus the post I just did 10 mins ago, lol.

Anywho... so It's a new freaking year and I can't tell you how happy I am. Last year was so full of whackness I just wanted to be over it and call it history. Hoping things go differently for me this year and the whole nine. I'm pretty confident it'll be a good year, I definitely deserve it =) I am also hoping that everyone else can have an amazing year. Besides myself, I know a lot of other people who've had a pretty shitty year.

I don't have much to really write for this post, but just wanna lay out my good wishes for y'all.

"Laugh when you can, apologize when you should, and let go of what you can't change. Kiss slowly, play hard, forgive quickly, take chances, give everything and have no regrets. Life's too short to be anything but happy... sometimes we need to stop analyzing the past... stop planning the future... stop trying to figure out precisely how we feel... stop deciding with our mind what we want our heart to feel and sometimes we just have to go with "whatever happens... happens"

Happy 2011 y'all, Live it up!!!