
I heart this song !!!

OH 'EM GEE!!! Isn't it lovely?! If I were to get married, I would want this song to be "our" first dance :) ENDLESS LOVE, self explanatory!!! And it doesn't matter who sings it, it all sounds great.



If i can drop EVERYTHING right now and go away... far away and tell nobody about it. I would be so content. I just feel like I soooo need it. Have you ever had that feeling... where you just feel like things are all over the place and you just wanna go somewhere, where you can find peace?! Everyone has felt like that at some point in their life, BUT me on the other hand, have been getting this feeling for a while now. I don't think I'm gonna be content unless I go away to paradise. And I most def wanna go alone.
My cousin just got back from Portugal, she was there for a month. She travelled alone and said it was the best thing she ever experienced. I wanna experience that and more. I've definitely been thinking about it a lot more lately... if I can up and leave just like that, I soooo would. Have no communication with anyone, have nothing to worry about, have no stress, and get some peace to mind... at least for the moment I'm gone right?! I watched "Eat Pray Love" and I thought... damn, that's totally amazing. I wanna feel amazingess (which is not even a word, but i still wanna feel it) too, lol.
Sooner than later... I'm Hoping!!!
I've been Hoping for a lot of things lately, LOL. Story of my life!

Never been so frustrated before...

You see that little background picture I have on my blog title?!?! Those expressions I can definitely relate to momentarily.

I am beyond frustrated with the way things are going within a certain part of my life. All I can say is WOW!!! You know when you have given it your all to make sure everything goes right? Yet it never works out the way you want it to, and somehow the most littlest things come up, and just lead to a pathway of wrong. I honestly don't know what to do within that matter. I'm most def breathing fire right now... I'm agitated and frustrated beyond the unthinkable. I can honestly say that I am dead exhausted. And I really don't know if things can be fixed permanently. It's such a roller coaster that you have no idea when that big loop can come up and catch you unexpectedly. And you don't see it coming cause things will go fine, and that's the part of the roller coaster that doesn't give you those jitter bugs, BUT then you close your eyes for a moment, and within that blink of a moment that shitty part comes up and makes your stomach feel all sorts of ways.

Right now.... all I can do is hope for better days and hope that things will go my way for once. There's only so much a person can put up with and do, and when they lose it... they lose it. I really am anticipating in the roller coaster ride right now with no loops... not much of a roller coaster then right? Well... that's exactly what I'm hoping for!


Re evaluating everything in my life... Most things don't add up...